Inclusive Excellence Strategic Plan

This Inclusive Excellence Strategic Plan concentrates on change at the unit level. We recognize that individual units will have different ways of implementing the goals and objectives articulated in this IESP based on their disciplines, fields, and professional associations, but we intend that this document will provide an equivalent starting point. This project is an opportunity for units to question disciplinary assumptions about research, teaching, and service in relation to equity, diversity, and inclusion. It is not another administrative exercise but should instead result in an actionable plan that will guide our units toward being places where everyone belongs. Appendix A provides a template with examples and resources to help kickstart the planning process.

The Regents and CU System President have created our first deadline, which is early spring semester, and they want us to focus on our climate data. For CLAS, this is Priority 1, Objective 2: Develop a plan to address the climate issues raised in your CWC assessment concerning respect and belonging, communication and transparency, diversity and identities, and job and educational satisfaction and support.

This is a big ask in a short period of time, so please start this work as soon as possible. The first step is forming a unit team and choosing an EDI liaison who will keep the project moving forward.

Thank you so much for your commitment to creating a workplace where all persons feel valued and respected and where everyone contributes to a culture of equity, justice, and belonging.

Please contact Marjorie Levine-Clark, Associate Dean for Diversity, Outreach, and Initiatives, with any questions or concerns.