integrated sciences
natural and physical sciences
social sciences

fiscal data for years 2018-2023Welcome to the Office of Research and Creative Activities (ORCA) in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) at the University of Colorado Denver - our researchers are at the forefront of discovery. 

CLAS has experienced sustained and impressive funding for research during some challenging times. Over the past five fiscal years, total awards to CLAS faculty researchers have averaged over $7 million dollars, and last year CLAS researchers were awarded over $8 million. With awards from National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), the Boettcher Foundation, the National Park Service, and many other national agencies, private foundations and local partners, our researchers are truly leading the way. Faculty researchers are at the forefront of discovery and demonstrate their commitment to the university's educational mission by involving both undergraduate and graduate students in their research - giving them opportunities for exploration and training through hands-on practical experience.

If you are looking for answers to questions related to research funding and facilitation you have come to the right place. This site is intended to help you navigate through the grants and contracts process simply and intuitively by using a “life cycle” approach – from the birth of an idea, routing and grant submission/resubmission, award management, and ultimately, to award closeout. Anyone who is thinking about submitting an application for grant funding should start here. Please alert the ORCA team of your wish to apply as far in advance as possible. The sooner you let us know, the more help we can give!

Whether you are a current or future faculty principal investigator, staff member, or a student, we hope you find the answers you are looking for on these pages, but if you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to the ORCA team at

Laura Argys, Associate Dean for Research and Creative Activities
Carol Achziger, Grants Development Coordinator
Tracy Kohm,  Grant Managment Specialist

Life Cycle

Developing your ideasHow to submit your proposalWaiting and responding to the decisionManaging your awardSuccessful closeout of your award