The CLAS EPCC Roles and Functions:
Developing and recommending approval for new college-wide educational policies to the CLAS Council and Dean*
Reviewing and recommending approval for revisions in CLAS academic policies regarding drop/add, independent study, requirements for degrees, etc. to the CLAS Council and Dean*
Reviewing and approving new academic programs and projects to the Dean including:
New undergraduate minors
New undergraduate majors**
New certificate programs (undergraduate & graduate)
New options or tracks in a degree program
New BA or BS programs**
New MA or MS programs**
New Ph.D. programs**
Joint programs with other schools/colleges/campuses*
Reviewing and approving revisions to academic programs/tracks/options/degrees/minors/certificates including:
Change in program name**
Change in program type (e.g., from BA to BS or MA to MS**)
Change in program requirements such as admission requirements, minimum GPA, minimum credit hours, graduation requirements (e.g., change in residency)
Reviewing and approving proposals for the deletion of programs**
Reviewing and approving proposals for new courses
Reviewing and approving revisions to existing courses (including credit hours, cross-listing, title and description changes, etc.)
* EPCC reviews proposals and makes recommendations for approval to secondary bodies like CLAS Council, CLAS BPC, CLAS Chairs and Directors, and the Dean for final approval, when needed.
** EPCC reviews proposals and makes recommendations for approval to secondary bodies and the Dean who then forwards it to CU Denver campus leaders and so on, to the President and up through the Board of Regents, when needed.