Course and curriculum development in CLAS originates with our faculty at the departmental and/or program level.

The deadline for submitting changes to EPCC to be updated in the 2025-2026 catalog has passed. EPCC does not meet again until 2025. Any changes submitted after November 14th to EPCC will be considered for the 2026-2027 catalog. Please reach out to with any urgent issues!

Policy Proposals

The EPCC reviews requests for academic policies and upon approval, forwards recommendations for adopting new or revising existing policies to the CLAS Council for their final recommendation to the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for approval. Academic Policy Proposals and their supporting materials/documents must be submitted no later than 14 days prior to the scheduled EPCC meeting

Academic Policy proposals and revisions submitted for EPCC review may be effective the following academic year; depending on the time the proposal is reviewed and approved.  All students must follow and be able to complete the policies that were advertised in the catalog when they applied and were admitted to their program. 

Sumbit a Policy Proposal Form to EPCC to begin the college approval process.