Course and curriculum development in CLAS originates with our faculty at the departmental and/or program level.


Microcredential Approval Process

Micro-credential proposal submitted to EPCC via submission form on website -> Micro-credential is added to EPCC agenda, EPCC approves -> Micro-credential is submitted to Grad Council and/or Faculty Council when appropriate ->Micro-credential is submitted to NOI processNotes

  1. As always, academic departments may use existing topics courses to test out new micro-credential ideas prior to submitting them to EPCC for formal approval. 
  2. New skills badges maybe requested for existing credit courses, bundles of courses, or certificate programs
  3. EPCC will use existing guidelines around program goals/outcomes, evaluation, procedures, impact, and viability to approve new micro-credentials. 
  4. EPCC will consider the following criteria for determining whether a program has an appropriate need for a skills badge:
    1. Linking it to professional standards
    2. Basing it on skills that are known to be needed in the market, such as through market data or employer surveys
    3. Addressing skills needed to advance along a specified professional pathway
    4. Basing it on documented student and/or industry-partner feedback
  5. As we do for course proposals, EPCC will submit approved micro-credential/skills badges through the UCC/NOI process to prevent duplication across campus.
  6. Since recognition badges are unassessed, they do not require approval from EPCC.-– Still, recognition badges should be reserved for deserving activities worthy of being called out by CU Denver.