Full-time Faculty

Dr. Peter Anthamatten

Peter Anthamatten, Ph.D. | Associate Professor, Department Chair

Dr. Christy Briles

Christy E Briles, Ph.D. | Associate Professor

Frederick B. Chambers, Ph.D. - Associate Professor (Sabbatical)

Frederick B. Chambers, Ph.D. | Associate Professor

Anne Chin

Anne Chin, Ph.D. | Professor

Kirsten Christensen

Kirsten (Kris) Christensen, MSS, MURP | Instructor

Dr. Ben Crawford

Benjamin Crawford, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor

Dr. Thomas Duster

Thomas Duster, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor C/T

  • Office Location: North Classroom 3518-B
  • Email: thomas.duster@ucdenver.edu 
  • Specialties: Water Quality; Fate and Transport of Metals and Radionuclides; Adsorption; Surface Complexation Modeling; (Nano)material Design for Water Treatment Applications
Pamela Jansma

Pamela Jansma, Ph.D. | Dean, Professor of Geography & Environmental Sciences

Lisa Kelley

Lisa Kelley, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor

Dr. Katharine Kelsey

Katharine Kelsey, Ph.D | Assistant Professor

Rafael Moreno , Ph.D. - Associate Professor

Rafael Moreno , Ph.D. | Professor

Brian Page

Brian Page, Ph.D. | Associate Professor

Gregory Simon

Gregory Simon, Ph.D. | Professor

  • Office Location: North Classroom 3016-D 
  • Email: Gregory.Simon@ucdenver.edu
  • Specialties: Human-Environment Interactions; Environmental Policy and Governance; Political Ecology; Critical Development Studies; Science and Technology Studies
  • Complete Profile   
Amanda Weaver

Amanda J. Weaver, Ph.D. | Senior Instructor

  • Office Location: North Classroom 3622
  • Email: Amanda.Weaver@ucdenver.edu
  • Specialties: Cartography; Food Geography; Geography of South America; Geospatial Systems and Analysis; GIS; Urban Geography
  • Complete Profile  
Dr. Bryan Wee

Bryan Wee, Ph.D. | Associate Professor