Martz, C, Powell, R. & Wee, B. (2023) Exploring relationality among children’s place attachments in their experiences of a new place. Geographical Review, 113 (3), 318-336.
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Wee, B. (2020) The nature of childhood in childhoodnature. In A. Cutter-Mackenzie, K. Malone, E. Barratt Hacking (Eds.), International Research Handbook on ChildhoodNature (pp. 1025-1042). Springer International Handbooks of Education.
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Wee, B. & Mason, H. (2017) Children’s language about the environment. In Kopnina, H. & Shoreman-Ouimet, E. (Eds.), Handbook of Environmental Anthropology (1st ed.), pp. 401-411. Routledge