Syllabus Requirements & Inserts

Every course in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences must have a course syllabus distributed to students the first class meeting. This policy applies to courses that meet on campus, courses that meet off campus, and all online courses.

A faculty member is bound by the​​​ terms of their syllabus. If a faculty member revises a course syllabus for any reason, the faculty member must, in a timely way, notify students in writing of the changes. The faculty member must give students sufficient time to prepare new assignments. In any reasonable disagreement with a student, the administration is obligated to resolve omissions and confusing provisions in the student’s favor. Faculty who take extra time to develop a detailed syllabus will minimize miscommunication with students throughout the semester.  We encourage all facutly to visit the University's Center for Faculty Development for resources around teaching and designing your syllabi.

Syllabus Guides

Please see our Syllabus Review Guide for Equity. Syllabus Review Guide for Equity

Syllabus Inserts

Statement on Disability and Access  Student Services & Calendar Information

See also the University's campus syllabus policy​Handling Academic Dishonesty, and Disability Information for Faculty.