CLAS Process for Resolving Workplace Incivility

Campus Workplace Culture Survey results indicated a significant number of CLAS faculty and staff do not think incivilities (i.e., incidents of rudeness or lack of respect) in the workplace are handled appropriately. In response, Faye Caronan and Michelle Comstock worked with CU Denver HR to create and clarify the processes for reporting and resolving incivilities in CLAS.

Please note that these processes are for reporting incivilities and not threats, harassment, or discrimination. If you feel threatened or see someone else who might be threatened, please file a report with the FAST team. If a situation involves protected identities, sexual harassment, or violence, the complaint should be filed with the Office of Equity. While we are here to support you, we will contact them directly about any situations involving these matters.  

The processes below are divided into two main categories: processes for faculty and staff who prefer to resolve incivilities without anonymity and those who prefer to resolve them with anonymity.

Resolving Incivilities without Anonymity

Below are several options provided by HR and CU System Policy for reporting and/or resolving incivilities in the workplace.

A. CU Denver HR recommends that those who experience an incident of incivility with a co-worker try to have a conversation with the individual to see if they can resolve the situation in a respectful manner. They recommend staff and faculty, including TAs,* reach out to Carri Boothe, CLAS HR Director, or Faye Caronan, CLAS Associate Dean of Faculty and Staff Affairs, to talk through the approach and conversation ahead of time. Other options to assist in resolving conflict are coaching, facilitation, or restorative justice circles. These tools can be utilized by reaching out to Central HR at If there is not a successful resolution, using these methods, further options are listed below.

B. If the incivilities culminate into a form of repeated emotional abuse that reduces workplace productivity and morale, please refer to the CU System Workplace Bullying Policy for the formal reporting and resolution process.

C. Classified Staff may choose to file a more formal grievance with their supervisor. The guidelines for the grievance process are outlined in the State Personnel Board Rules. Chapter 8 outlines the process for resolution of appeals and disputes. University staff, Classified Staff, and student employees can email for information on reporting a grievance.

D. Faculty or Staff may report incivilities and/or bullying to their supervisor/department chair; or, if the supervisor/department chair is involved, then to the next level supervisor (e.g., Faye Caronan, Associate Dean of Faculty and Staff Affairs in CLAS and/or Carri Boothe, CLAS HR Director). A report may also be made by contacting CU Denver Human Resources or the campus-level Office of Faculty Affairs.

Resolving Incivilities with Anonymity

A. The Ombuds Office is a safe, confidential, and nonbiased resource for students, staff, and faculty to discuss, voice, and clarify any university related concerns. They can be reached at 303-315-0046 or  by reaching out to and/or

B. Should staff or faculty wish to report a situation anonymously, they can do so through the Ethicspoint Report Form on the CU Ethicsline webpage. Specifically, this is a reporting platform to share unethical or illegal activities in the workplace.

C. The CLAS DEI Council, which includes staff and faculty members, suggested the CLAS Deans Office provide a suggestion box, where faculty and staff can anonymously submit a suggestion or comment regarding incivilities. That suggestion box is now located in the CLAS Deans Office, North Classroom Building, Room 5014 and will be checked regularly by Faye Caronan, CLAS Associate Dean of Faculty and Staff Affairs. An online anonymous "suggestion box" is available. Upon submission, this form will be routed directly to the CLAS Associate Dean of Faculty and Staff Affairs. The suggestion box and online feedback form will be active for the Fall 2024 semester, then reassessed based on the quantity and quality of feedback.

*TAs may report and resolve incivilities through either the faculty or the student processes outlined in the graduate student handbook.