Definition of Academic Dishonesty

Students are expected to know, understand, and comply with the ethical standards of the University. In addition, students have an obligation to inform the appropriate official of any acts of academic dishonesty by other students of the University. Academic dishonesty is defined as a student's use of unauthorized assistance with intent to deceive an instructor or other such person who may be assigned to evaluate the student’s work in meeting course and degree requirements. Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, the following:


Plagiarism is the use of another person’s distinctive ideas or words without acknowledgment. The incorporation of another person’s work into one’s own requires appropriate identification and acknowledgment, regardless of the means of appropriation. The following are considered to be forms of plagiarism when the source is not noted:

  • Word-for-word copying of another person's ideas or words.

  • The mosaic (the interspersing of one’s own words here and there while, in essence, copying another's work).

  • The paraphrase (the rewriting of another’s work, yet still using their fundamental idea or theory).

  • Fabrication of references (inventing or counterfeiting sources).

  • Submission of another’s work as one's own.

  • Neglecting quotation marks on material that is otherwise acknowledged.

Acknowledgment is not necessary when the material used is common knowledge.


Cheating involves the possession, communication, or use of information, materials, notes, study aids or other devices not authorized by the instructor in an academic exercise, or communication with another person during such an exercise. Examples of cheating are:

  • Copying from another's paper or receiving unauthorized assistance from another during an academic exercise or in the submission of academic material.

  • Using a calculator when its use has been disallowed.

  • Collaborating with another student or students during an academic exercise without the consent of the instructor.

Fabrication and Falsification

Fabrication involves inventing or counterfeiting information, i.e., creating results not obtained in a study or laboratory experiment. Falsification, on the other hand, involves deliberately altering or changing results to suit one’s needs in an experiment or other academic exercise.

Multiple Submissions

This is the submission of academic work for which academic credit has already been earned, when such submission is made without instructor authorization.

Misuse of Academic Materials

The misuse of academic materials includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Stealing or destroying library or reference materials or computer programs.

  • Stealing or destroying another student’s notes or materials, or having such materials in one’s possession without the owner’s permission.

  • Receiving assistance in locating or using sources of information in an assignment when such assistance has been forbidden by the instructor.

  • Illegitimate possession, disposition, or use of examinations or answer keys to examinations.

  • Unauthorized alteration, forgery, or falsification.

  • Unauthorized sale or purchase of examinations, papers, or assignments.

Complicity in Academic Dishonesty

Complicity involves knowingly contributing to another’s acts of academic dishonesty.