Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Funding

Conference paper presentation is a useful and important part of training in Communication. The Department of Communication has competitive funding for undergraduate students who have been accepted to present their research at a conference. Students at all levels are eligible to apply if they will be presenting a paper or poster and are current students at the time of the conference. However, priority will be given to applicants who have not received a COMM Department Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Funding since the fall semester of 2023. Up to $500 may be awarded per academic year from the Department in support of this travel.

To apply for this funding, you'll need to:

  1. Choose a professor to help guide you through the application process and act as an advisor for the application process. 
  2. With that professor, fill out the application form.  ICB students should e-mail the completed form to your research advisor Dr. Pearl Zhenzhu Zhang, and she will approve your application, if it is supported by the majority of the ICB COMM Undergraduate Research Conference Competitive Travel Awards Selection Committee.
  3. Your chosen professor/advisor will then forward your approved application to the Department Chair for final approvalThis must be done at least one month prior to the conference.
  4. Once you have a decision from the Department, Denver students should work with Michelle Médal; while ICB students should work with Payton Weijia Wu to make travel arrangements and submit your travel reimbursement. ICB students should also copy your research advisor Dr. Pearl Zhenzhu Zhang on communication emails with Payton Weijia Wu.

No purchases of any kind can be made until and unless the Chair has approved the travel request.

Funding is limited, so not all requests may receive funds. 

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) also offers competitive funding for students who have been accepted to present research at a conference.  COMM students are encouraged to seek funding from the Department of Communication and CLAS.  Learn more and find the application here