Apply to Work With Us

Professional Writing Consultants

Job Description

The Writing Center employs CU Denver/Anschutz students (graduate and undergraduate), adjunct faculty members, and members of the community with at least a Bachelor's degree in a variety of disciplines and fields to serve as paid Professional Writing Consultants and Consultants-in-Training (CITs).

  • Consultants/CITs work with students in one-on-one or small-group sessions of approximately 50 minutes on issues including (but not limited to) brainstorming, organizing, and developing arguments. They also teach issues related to grammar and syntax, among many others.
  • Consultants/CITs develop and deliver presentations/workshops in a variety of contexts and settings, including in-Center, in the Auraria Library, and in classrooms.​ 
  • Consultants/CITs work a set schedule (same days/hours) each week for the duration of each semester. Schedules are negotiated each semester around classes, teaching assignments, and other employment. 

Candidates should feel excited about writing, talking about writing, and helping others with their writing. They should be ambitious and empathetic lifelong learners who demonstrate a commitment to a growth mindset

Well-qualified candidates are experienced writers with relevant or related experience in collaborative workshopping, tutoring, teaching, and/or academic coaching. Knowledge of or experience with writing in different genres/disciplines and for differing audiences and expectations is preferred but not required. 

CU Denver undergraduate-student candidates must have completed or been given credit for English 2030 or its equivalent.​

Non-CU-Denver-affiliated candidates must have at least a Bachelor's degree.

Paid training, professional development, and education is provided upon hire in the form of: 

  • A pre-semester Orientation (mandatory)
  • Monthly Professional Development & Education meetings on Fridays (4 per semester), 8 a.m. –​ 12 p.m. (mandatory)
  • Ongoing instruction, support, and coaching from colleagues, Lead Consultants, and the Director/Assistant Director/Coordinator

Consultants/CITs can expect to learn and build confidence in: one-on-one conferencing and teaching techniques, theories of composing, revision strategies, writing across the curriculum, sentence-level and error-pattern pedagogies, issues pertaining to plagiarism, English Language Learners, and presenting/public-speaking.   

Additionally, Consultants/CITs develop skills related to communication, collaboration, negotiation, problem solving, resilience, time management, and social/emotional intelligence. 

Consultants/CITs go on to (or simultaneously) thrive in a wide variety of professional and academic settings and consistently report that the hard and soft skills they developed while working at the Writing Center are directly applicable to their success. 

Consultants may be asked to work at one or more of the Writing Center's locations, including: 

  • City Heights Learning Commons (Denver Campus): This is our largest location and functions as the hub for the other five physical satellite locations described below. All Consultants/CITs work at this location. ​
  • CU Anschutz: This location is housed in the Strauss Health Sciences Library on the Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, CO, and primarily serves undergraduate and graduate students in nursing, public health, pharmacy, dentistry, and the many programs in the School of Medicine. 
  • Lynx Crossing Residence Hall: Lynx Crossing is a student-residence facility with a large population of freshman, students enrolled in living/learning communities (e.g., the BA/BS to MD program), and international students from our sister institution, International College Beijing at China Agricultural University.
  • Business School: Approximately two blocks from the Auraria Campus in Downtown Denver, this location is the home base for undergraduate and graduate students majoring in Business. 
  • Auraria Library: This location is a collaboration between the writing centers at CU Denver, Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSUD), and the Community College of Denver (CCD). It serves students from all three institutions as well as other library patrons. 
  • Synchronous Online: Synchronous online services are offered across various locations/schedules between 8am-Midnight most days of the week; from 6pm-Midnight, Consultants support students from the comfort of their own homes (or anywhere else).
  • Online Drop Boxes: The Undergraduate Drop Box (UDB) and Graduate Drop Box (GDB) provide students with asynchronous in-text comments and summary letters of feedback within 24 hours (UDB) and four days (GDB).

Get to know the Center.

  • Read about Our Mission, our commitment to diversity and inclusion, and our services for students. 
  • Learn about our Online Consulting platform and WCOnline, our online scheduling and appointment system
  • Applicants invited for an interview must observe at least one Writing Center session. Upon invitation, applicants will need to come to the City Heights Learning Commons on the Auraria Campus to see what we do.
  • APPLY:
    • CU Denver | Anschutz Undergraduate & Graduate Students: Our student positions are posted to Handshake: Writing Center Graduate Assistant Position
    • University Staff: Non-student members of the Denver community with at least a Bachelor's degree apply through the CU Careers website.

As of 11/21/25, the Writing Center is hiring for a Graduate Assistant, a Professional Writing Consultant position open to current students enrolled in graduate coursework at CU Denver or CU Anschutz. The hiring cycle is set to close on 12/20/25 or when enough qualified candidates have applied, whichever comes sooner. Expand the How to Apply section above to find the application link via Handshake.