Course and curriculum development in CLAS originates with our faculty at the departmental and/or program level.

Certificate Requirements

CLAS certificates are standalone academic programs that provide students with specialized knowledge in an advanced subject matter. Certificates are not equivalent to an emphasis area within a degree or a minor because they indicate specialized professional training, the teaching of a practical skillset, or represent the exceptional performance in an auxiliary area of study. Given the goal of professionalism and/or preparation for some professional objective, the courses of the certificate should be completed in a comparatively short time span and there should be at least one common course that all students take. Certificates programs must have concrete and explicit learning outcomes, plans for collecting data and measurement and participate in annual outcomes assessment reporting. 

Minimum Credit Hours

  • 12 (may be interdisciplinary) 

Minimum Upper Division Credit Hours

  •  6 for an undergraduate certificate
  • all courses for a graduate certificate must be graduate-level (may be interdisciplinary) 

Minimum Hours in Residency: Credits taken at CU Denver

  • A minimum of 6 credit hours for a certificate are expected to be taken in residency, from faculty at CU Denver. Programs may request exceptions to this policy when they propose their curriculum to the EPCC.

Minimum GPA and Allowable Grades

  • 2.0 minimum GPA with no course below a C- for an undergraduate certificate. Note that more restrictive credit hour, minimum grade and minimum GPA requirements for CLAS certificate may be enforced. 
  • 3.0 minimum GPA with no course below a B- for a graduate certificate

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Plans

All certificates must have learning outcomes and an assessment plan approved by the Office of Assessment prior to being added to CU-SIS. Visit the CU Denver Office of Assessment website or contact Mary Lovit for more information and help.

Admissions Requirements

  • Programs design admissions requirements and application processes for their program. Once approved undergraduate certificate directors work with the CLAS undergraduate advising office and graduate directors work with the Graduate School admissions director, to officially declare students into certificate programs.
  • The opinion of the EPCC is that if a student receives a​ minor or major from a department, those same courses can be used toward the requirements for a certificate. 
    • Programs may restrict students’ ability to double dip courses as long as they are explicit and that language is in the academic catalog.  
    • Upon confirmation of completion by the department, certificates are reported on a semester basis to be added to the student's transcript.​


Submit the appropriate form to the EPCC, to begin the college approval process.