The STEAMposium will be held on Friday, October 12, 2018 (~9:00 - 2:00) – a joint effort between CU Denver Admissions and K-12 Outreach. This event is aimed at showcasing Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics to hundreds of high schoolers, including many accepted students and their families. We hope...
In a relaxed, supportive atmosphere: the kitchen—where else? Cooking en Español: Tapas and Wine with Amigos del Sur creates a sabrosa opportunity for a Denver audience already aware of the value of the culinary arts and the Spanish language. At basic through advanced Spanish levels, with English translators at the...
Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences, or CUREs, are designed to integrate a research project into a science laboratory course, thereby providing a large number of students in introductory courses with a research experience. Laurel Hartley, Associate Professor of Integrative Biology, and Leo P. Bruederle, Professor of Integrative Biology, co-hosted one of...
Integrated Biology PhD student and GRIN fellowship recipient Libby Pansing’s doctoral research (working with PI and advisor Professor Diana Tomback), Effects of climate change and climate-altered fire regimes on whitebark pine populations , was featured in the newsletter May 4.
The EURēCA! Fellows Program is being piloted in 2018 with the support of the Office of the Provost and administration by the Office of Research Services with support from the Experiential Learning Center. This is a highly competitive grants-in-aid program that provides a small number of CU Denver undergraduates from...
The mission of The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) is to support and promote high-quality undergraduate student-faculty collaborative research and scholarship in all disciplines, including the social sciences, arts, and humanities. Individual members receive numerous benefits, including an electronic subscription to the CUR Quarterly ; access to information on funding...
Psychology Professor Kevin Masters will be awarded the Society for Health Psychology’s 2018 Cynthia D. Belar Award for Excellence in Health Psychology Education and Training .
Anthropology Professor Charles Musiba has been awarded the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship for 2018, and will be spending time at Saint Francis University of Tanzania co-developing a Master’s degree in Anthropology and Cultural Heritage Resources (one of its kind in east Africa and the first Master’s program in Anthropology in...
Creative Writing has announced the winners of the 2018 Michael Gorniak Prize: LaTecia Sykes and Larysa Labiak. Both will receive stipends for AY 2018-19 to further their studies and honor their contributions to creative writing and community service here at CU Denver.
New Directions in Public Policy Director Minsun Ji of the CU Denver Political Science Department recently published a chapter titled "Limitations of Business Unionism and Co-Op Conservatism: A Case Study of Denver's Taxi Driver Union-Cooperatives" in Employee Ownership and Employee Involvement at Work , the most recent release of the...