
Take the Survey Now to Help Redesign and Improve FCQs

Sept. 29, 2016

Faculty on all CU campuses are being asked to help in redesigning the Faculty Course Questionnaire (FCQ) process and instrument for the CU System. FCQs are mandated by the Board of Regents as a measure of teaching effectiveness, but the present, paper-based FCQ process is both inefficient and resource-intensive. A...

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Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Membership Available at No Cost

Sept. 29, 2016

Individual membership in the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) is available at no cost to CU Denver and CU AMC faculty and staff under our Enhanced Institutional Membership, which was made possible by the Office of Research and the Office of Undergraduate Experiences. The mission of The CUR is to...

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Landau Subject of Emmy Winning Film

Sept. 29, 2016

StoryCorps short film Traffic Stop featuring 2014 Puksta Fellow and Communication student Alex Landau received a 2016 Emmy Award for "New Approaches: Arts, Lifestyle and Culture." In the film Landau, who is African American, recalls how he nearly lost his life following a traffic stop with the Denver police. He...

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2016-2017 Dissemination Grant Round I (Fall 2016) Deadline 10/14/16

Sept. 15, 2016

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) is providing support to its faculty for engaging in activities that promote their research and creative work and enhance the profile of the college and university. A critical feature of a productive research program is the ability to disseminate findings and engage...

Read more about 2016-2017 Dissemination Grant Round I (Fall 2016) Deadline 10/14/16

Amy Adele Hasinoff, Assistant Professor of Communication

Hasinoff Book Wins NCA Award

Sept. 15, 2016

Communication Assistant Professor Amy Hasinoff’s book, Sexting Panic , won the National Communication Association's 2016 Diamond Anniversary Book Award .

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Chris Beekman, Associate Professor and Chair of Anthropology

Beekman Publishing and Presenting While on Sabbatical

Sept. 1, 2016

Chris Beekman , Associate Professor and Chair of Anthropology, recently returned from a productive sabbatical. In addition to making significant progress on his own book, he published a co-edited volume with Robert Pickering (of the Gilcrease Museum) Shaft Tombs and Figures in West Mexican Society: A Reassessment . This book...

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Casey Allen, Associate Professor of Geography and Environmental Science

Allen Publishing on RASI and Field-Based Education

Sept. 1, 2016

Casey Allen , Associate Professor of Geography and Environmental Science, recently published two articles. The Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports (JASR) article (written with several colleagues) offers further validity to RASI—a tool Allen helped pioneer and have been using for almost a decade. Aligned with this, one of Allen’s undergraduate...

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Matthew Wilkin, Communications Major

Wilkin receives Community Health Education and Retention Scholarship

Sept. 1, 2016

The Department of Communication is pleased to announce the inaugural recipient of the Community Health Education and Retention Scholarship (CHEARS). This year’s scholarship was awarded to Matthew Wilkin , a COMM major who works with student organizations like Love Your Melon, which helps children battle cancer, and the student veteran...

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David P. Tracer, Anthropology Professor

Tracer Research on Papua New Guinea Tribe Shows Links to Modern Social Networking

Sept. 1, 2016

A new study, co-authored by Health & Behavioral Sciences and Anthropology Professor David P. Tracer, shows that while evolutionary and other economic theories expect humans, like other animals, to behave selfishly to maximize material gains, human cooperation occurs when reputation is at stake. The study, published in the journal Nature...

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Rachel Harding, Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies

Harding Publishing on Spiritual Traditions

Sept. 1, 2016

Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies Rachel Harding has published an essay on connections between the African American spirituals tradition and African-based ritual practices in Cuba, Haiti and Brazil. The essay, "Você tem direito à árvore da vida: spirituals afro-americanas e religiões da diáspora," is published in Portuguese in the collection...

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