Hartley and Bruederle host CURE Mobile Institute

Published: June 21, 2018

Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences, or CUREs, are designed to integrate a research project into a science laboratory course, thereby providing a large number of students in introductory courses with a research experience. Laurel Hartley, Associate Professor of Integrative Biology, and Leo P. Bruederle, Professor of Integrative Biology, co-hosted one of eight CURE Mobile Institutes that are being offered at universities across the country from 2017-19. Twenty-six participants traveling from as far as Florida and Washington joined colleagues from local colleges and universities for the CU Denver CURE Mobile Institute from 4-6 June. During the Institute, which was facilitated by Dr. Erin Dolan (principal investigator, CUREnet2, University of Georgia), participants learned about and used evidence-based instructional strategies to develop plans, instructional materials, and assessment tools for integrating a science research project into their courses. CUREs are currently being introduced into the laboratories for General Biology I and II as part of a grant to the University from the HHMI.