Diana F. Tomback, Professor in the Department of Integrative Biology, hosted The Rocky Mountain Wolf Project ’s semi-annual all-coalition meeting on campus May 7th. Tomback is on the Science Advisory Board of this coalition whose mission is outreach and education about the ecological importance of the gray wolf, as well...
Starting in Fall 2018, the CU-Denver Department of Chemistry will offer the Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry. The BS Biochemistry will replace the existing Biochemistry Emphasis program, which is currently offered as a sub-plan option within the BS Chemistry degree. The curriculum for the new program is rooted in...
Faculty Explorers —correspondents sent into the field to discover and uncover new notions of teaching and learning, and report back to the campus. This is a mission of reconnaissance that offers you the chance to explore and the campus the chance to learn from your adventures. ThinqStudio will subsidize your...
A 12-credit program with opportunities in immigration an/or refugee-related internships. Requirements: HIST 3345: Immigration and Ethnicity in American History HIST 3349: Internship (begin the internship process by registering for an Internship Workshop in the "Events" section on Handshake - ucdenver.joinhandshake.com Two approved elective courses (see https://clas.ucdenver.edu/history/certificates for a complete list...
On April 10, Chancellor Dorothy Horrell hosted a ceremony at Oceannaire Restaurant for CU Denver faculty and staff whose service reached the quarter century landmark. The chancellor noted that the faculty members have seen many changes at CU Denver over the years, and have remained steadfastly committed to shaping the...
On April 6, Psychology Professor Mitch Handelsman was awarded the "1949 Award" (presented to distinguished alumni) from the Clinical Psychology Program at the University of Kansas. The award is for "outstanding contributions to clinical psychology, and in recognition of their contribution to the legacy of Clinical Psychology at the University...
Last week we announced the rankings of the Department of Integrative Biology (#98) and Department of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences ranked (#117 and #83) but failed to include our Clinical Health Psychology program, which was ranked 87th nationally. Congratulations!
Sign the pledge here: https://www.cu.edu/inclusive/read-and-sign-cu-inclusivity-pledge As a member of the CU community, I sign this pledge as a personal commitment to uphold an inclusive culture throughout the four CU campuses. I will strive to foster an environment that values all backgrounds and embodies the true CU spirit. I PLEDGE: To...
University of Colorado Denver Association of Lecturers and Instructors (UCDALI) members, your organizing body needs to hear from you! If you have not yet filled out the survey this semester, please take a few moments to do so. These results will help to support your efforts within our College/School, and...
Paul T. Le, PhD Candidate in the Department of Integrative Biology, recently published Towards a truer multicultural science education: how whiteness impacts science education in Cultural Studies of Science Education with co-author Cheryl Matias from the School of Education and Human Development.