Summer 2025
- Summer 2025 Enrollment
- Lower-Division Courses
- Upper-Division Courses
- CORE Arts
- CORE Cultural Diversity
- CORE Natural & Physical Sciences
- CORE Social Sciences
- CLAS Behavioral Sciences
- CLAS Communicative Skills
- CLAS Humanities
- CLAS Natural & Physical Sciences
- CLAS Social Sciences
- Online Courses
- Maymester Courses
Summer 2025 Enrollment begins in March - see Summer Calendar.
- Plan for Summer 2025: Review your degree audit, clear any registration holds, discuss your degree plan with your major advisors, and create your class schedule by filling your shopping cart and finish enrolling.
- See ADVISING STEPS and HOW TO REGISTER FOR CLASSES and enroll as soon as you can.
- NOW: You need to review your degree audit and work with your Major Faculty Advisor to plan your degree.
- NOW: You need to create your Summer schedule in your shopping cart in UCDAccess so you can enroll at your designated time:
- Find your specific “Enrollment Date/Time” in UCDAccess: > Student Center > Academics > Term Information > View my enrollment dates
- Find your specific “Enrollment Date/Time” in UCDAccess:
- Clear any registration holds before enrollment begins.
- ENROLL in March: Finish enrolling in Summer classes after your assigned time– see How to Register for Classes.
- A student may take up to one Maymester course. Students enrolled for more than one Maymester class will be administratively dropped from the second class. Maymester credit hours are part of your Summer courseload.
- As a CLAS BA or BS degree-seeking student, you need to work with your major and minor faculty advisors to plan out major coursework.
- Review your CORE Requirements and CLAS Requirements with your assigned CLAS Academic Advisor.
- Contact CLAS Advising,, 303-315-7100, with questions.
- If you are completing your degree requirements in Summer 2025, you must apply for graduation in UCDAccess before Summer begins:
- HOW TO APPLY FOR GRADUATION: In UCDAccess, find your "Student Center,” select “Academics," then select "Apply for graduation." --- Apply before Census Date deadline.
- Prepare to earn your best grades with Success Strategies.
CHEM 1000 Foundations for General Chemistry
Summer 2025 Online
- This is a course-without-lab intended for students pursuing a degree in science or a health-related field as preparation for General Chemistry. The course is designed for students who have never had a chemistry course or who have not taken general chemistry in 5+ years. Topics include the classification of matter, the Metric system, dimensional analysis, atomic theory and the structure of atoms, periodic relationships, energy and temperature, gas laws and the kinetic molecular theory, compounds and nomenclature of inorganic compounds, the mole, stoichiometry, types of chemical reactions, balancing equations, electron configurations, and chemical bonding. Enrollment in this course is strongly encouraged prior to enrollment in Chem 2031 if the student does not have a strong and recent background in general chemistry.
- CHEM 1000 can be used as as a CLAS Natural & Physical Sciences course-without-lab _or_ as 3 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
SOCY 3010-ME1 Sociology of Human Sexuality
Summer 2025 Maymester Online
- Open to students with 30 or more hours earned, SOCY 3010 increases the understanding of differences in views of sexuality, specifically the link between sex and reproduction and its role as the motivation for gender roles and sex acts. Explores the history of sexuality, cross-cultural studies and primate modeling.
- SOCY 3010 can be used as a CLAS Social Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of upper-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. Prereq: Sophomore status or higher.
ENVS 1044 Introduction to Environmental Science
with required lab ENVS 1045
Summer 2025 Online
- Climate change. Acid rain. Water pollution. Extinction. You undoubtably know the long list of challenges facing the Earth's environmental systems, but do you truly know how these issues develop? What about the (sometimes hidden) part you play in their creation or the simple actions that you can take to solve them? From start to finish, ENVS 1044 is focused on making you a more informed and engaged citizen on topics that will define the next century. Through lecture, discussion, classroom activities, and the required ENVS 1045 hands-on laboratory complement this course will explore topics in a wide survey of environmental science areas including sustainability, agriculture, waste management, energy, climate, atmosphere, water, and wildlife. Within a community of your peers, we will focus on not just defining the problems, but also developing straightforward and achievable actions that will enable you to become part of the solution.
- ENVS 1044 and ENVS 1045 together can be used as a CORE Natural & Physical Sciences course-with-lab -or- as a CLAS Natural & Physical Sciences course-with-lab -or- as 4 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
ENGL 2156 Introduction to Creative Writing
Summer 2025 Online
- Students in this completely online Summer 2025 course read, discuss, and write short fiction and poetry in a workshop setting.
- ENGL 2156 can be used as a CORE Arts course _or_ as a CLAS Humanities course _or_ as 3 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs but it is expected that you have completed ENGL 1020.
ECON 2022 Principles of Economics: Microeconomics
Summer 2025 In-Person or Online
- Topics include price determination in a market system composed of households and firms: resource allocation and efficiency of various market structures, plus others at the discretion of the instructor. Note: Complementary to ECON 2012. ECON 2012 is not a prerequisite for ECON 2022.
- ECON 2022 can be used as a CORE Social Sciences course _or_ as a CLAS Social Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
CHEM 1000 Foundations for General Chemistry
Summer 2025 Online
- This is a course-without-lab intended for students pursuing a degree in science or a health-related field as preparation for General Chemistry. The course is designed for students who have never had a chemistry course or who have not taken general chemistry in 5+ years. Topics include the classification of matter, the Metric system, dimensional analysis, atomic theory and the structure of atoms, periodic relationships, energy and temperature, gas laws and the kinetic molecular theory, compounds and nomenclature of inorganic compounds, the mole, stoichiometry, types of chemical reactions, balancing equations, electron configurations, and chemical bonding. Enrollment in this course is strongly encouraged prior to enrollment in Chem 2031 if the student does not have a strong and recent background in general chemistry.
- CHEM 1000 can be used as as a CLAS Natural & Physical Sciences course-without-lab _or_ as 3 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
ECON 2012 Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics
Summer 2025 In-Person or Online
- Covers topics of inflation, unemployment, national income, growth and problems of the national economy, stabilization policy, plus others at the discretion of the instructor. Purpose is to teach fundamental principles, to open the field of economics in the way most helpful to further a more detailed study of special problems, and to give those not intending to specialize in the subject an outline of the general principles of economics.
- ECON 2012 can be used as a CORE Social Sciences course _or_ as a CLAS Social Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
BIOL 1135 Human Biology
BIOL 1137 Human Biology Laboratory
Summer 2025 Online
- BIOL 1135 Human Biology (3-hour class), a course for students in non-science majors, covers topics such as basic human body chemistry, healthy internal body balance, new disease treatments, human inheritance and human beings as part of Earth's living systems. IMPORTANT: No new credit is awarded in BIOL 1135 for students who have credit in BIOL 2010(2061), BIOL 2020(2051) or BIOL 1560.
BIOL 1137 Human Biology Laboratory (optional 1-hour lab can be taken with BIOL 1135 in same term or later term) will investigate the function of the human body while emphasizing the use of the scientific method. IMPORTANT: No new credit is awarded in BIOL 1137 for students who have credit in 2011(2081), BIOL 2021(2071) or BIOL 1560. - BIOL 1135 and BIOL 1137 together can be used as a CORE Natural & Physical Sciences course-with-lab _or_ as CLAS Natural & Physical Sciences course-with-lab _or_ as 4 hours of lower-division elective credit. If you do not need a second lab science, you can take BIOL 1135 by itself as a course-without-lab for CORE or CLAS or 3 hours elective credit. No Prereqs for BIOL 1135 class. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
CLAS BA & BS students must earn at least 45 hours in courses taken as upper-division (CU Denver upper-division courses are numbered 3000-or-higher).
ANTH 3142 Cultural Diversity in the Modern World
Summer 2025 Online
- An in-depth analysis of the phenomena of culture and application of the culture concept to understanding cultural diversity in the modern world. Applies the concept of culture to several basic aspects of human social life, for example: social class and gender relations, ethnicity, racism and sexism, education, health and economic behavior. Students explore these issues in the context of case studies of particular groups and/or communities, focusing primarily on the diversity of cultural expression in contemporary U.S.
- ANTH 3142 can be used as a CORE Cultural Diversity course _or_ as a CLAS Behavioral Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of upper-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
SOCY 3010-ME1 Sociology of Human Sexuality
Summer 2025 Maymester Online
- Open to students with 30 or more hours earned, SOCY 3010 increases the understanding of differences in views of sexuality, specifically the link between sex and reproduction and its role as the motivation for gender roles and sex acts. Explores the history of sexuality, cross-cultural studies and primate modeling.
- SOCY 3010 can be used as a CLAS Social Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of upper-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. Prereq: Sophomore status or higher.
ENGL 3084 Digital Writing and Storytelling
Summer 2025 Online
- Open to Juniors and Seniors, this course offers students opportunities to examine and compose texts where language is integrated with other media, such as video, still images, music, etc. Includes basic instruction in digital multimedia composition and design tools.
- ENGL 3084 can be used as a CORE Arts course _or_ as a CLAS Communicative Skills course _or_ as a CLAS Humanities course _or_ as 3 hours of upper-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. Prereq: 60 hours earned.
ANTH 4090-M01 Psychedelic Anthropology
Summer 2025 Maymester In-Person
- Psychotropic drugs, both legal and illicit, are a predominant part of our everyday lives. Psychedelic Anthropology examines their use and meaning within cultures of health and wellness, and the plant medicine, spiritual, social, political and economic issues that surround their production, use and misuse. Course activities focus on ethnographic research strategies and arts-based approaches to public scholarship.
- ANTH 4090 can be used as a CLAS Behavioral Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of upper-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. Prereq: Junior or Senior status.
ENGL 3084 Digital Writing and Storytelling
Summer 2025 Online
- Open to Juniors and Seniors, this course offers students opportunities to examine and compose texts where language is integrated with other media, such as video, still images, music, etc. Includes basic instruction in digital multimedia composition and design tools.
- ENGL 3084 can be used as a CORE Arts course _or_ as a CLAS Communicative Skills course _or_ as a CLAS Humanities course _or_ as 3 hours of upper-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. Prereq: 60 hours earned.
ENGL 2156 Introduction to Creative Writing
Summer 2025 Online
- Students in this completely online Summer 2025 course read, discuss, and write short fiction and poetry in a workshop setting.
- ENGL 2156 can be used as a CORE Arts course _or_ as a CLAS Humanities course _or_ as 3 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs but it is expected that you have completed ENGL 1020.
ANTH 3142 Cultural Diversity in the Modern World
Summer 2025 Online
- An in-depth analysis of the phenomena of culture and application of the culture concept to understanding cultural diversity in the modern world. Applies the concept of culture to several basic aspects of human social life, for example: social class and gender relations, ethnicity, racism and sexism, education, health and economic behavior. Students explore these issues in the context of case studies of particular groups and/or communities, focusing primarily on the diversity of cultural expression in contemporary U.S.
- ANTH 3142 can be used as a CORE Cultural Diversity course _or_ as a CLAS Behavioral Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of upper-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
ENVS 1044 Introduction to Environmental Science
with required lab ENVS 1045
Summer 2025 Online
- Climate change. Acid rain. Water pollution. Extinction. You undoubtably know the long list of challenges facing the Earth's environmental systems, but do you truly know how these issues develop? What about the (sometimes hidden) part you play in their creation or the simple actions that you can take to solve them? From start to finish, ENVS 1044 is focused on making you a more informed and engaged citizen on topics that will define the next century. Through lecture, discussion, classroom activities, and the required ENVS 1045 hands-on laboratory complement this course will explore topics in a wide survey of environmental science areas including sustainability, agriculture, waste management, energy, climate, atmosphere, water, and wildlife. Within a community of your peers, we will focus on not just defining the problems, but also developing straightforward and achievable actions that will enable you to become part of the solution.
- ENVS 1044 and ENVS 1045 together can be used as a CORE Natural & Physical Sciences course-with-lab -or- as a CLAS Natural & Physical Sciences course-with-lab -or- as 4 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
BIOL 1135 Human Biology
BIOL 1137 Human Biology Laboratory
Summer 2025 Online
- BIOL 1135 Human Biology (3-hour class), a course for students in non-science majors, covers topics such as basic human body chemistry, healthy internal body balance, new disease treatments, human inheritance and human beings as part of Earth's living systems. IMPORTANT: No new credit is awarded in BIOL 1135 for students who have credit in BIOL 2010(2061), BIOL 2020(2051) or BIOL 1560.
BIOL 1137 Human Biology Laboratory (optional 1-hour lab can be taken with BIOL 1135 in same term or later term) will investigate the function of the human body while emphasizing the use of the scientific method. IMPORTANT: No new credit is awarded in BIOL 1137 for students who have credit in 2011(2081), BIOL 2021(2071) or BIOL 1560. - BIOL 1135 and BIOL 1137 together can be used as a CORE Natural & Physical Sciences course-with-lab _or_ as CLAS Natural & Physical Sciences course-with-lab _or_ as 4 hours of lower-division elective credit. If you do not need a second lab science, you can take BIOL 1135 by itself as a course-without-lab for CORE or CLAS or 3 hours elective credit. No Prereqs for BIOL 1135 class. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
ECON 2022 Principles of Economics: Microeconomics
Summer 2025 In-Person or Online
- Topics include price determination in a market system composed of households and firms: resource allocation and efficiency of various market structures, plus others at the discretion of the instructor. Note: Complementary to ECON 2012. ECON 2012 is not a prerequisite for ECON 2022.
- ECON 2022 can be used as a CORE Social Sciences course _or_ as a CLAS Social Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
ECON 2012 Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics
Summer 2025 In-Person or Online
- Covers topics of inflation, unemployment, national income, growth and problems of the national economy, stabilization policy, plus others at the discretion of the instructor. Purpose is to teach fundamental principles, to open the field of economics in the way most helpful to further a more detailed study of special problems, and to give those not intending to specialize in the subject an outline of the general principles of economics.
- ECON 2012 can be used as a CORE Social Sciences course _or_ as a CLAS Social Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
In addition to CORE, CLAS BA & BS students must complete one course with an ANTH, COMM, or PSYC prefix.
ANTH 4090-M01 Psychedelic Anthropology
Summer 2025 Maymester In-Person
- Psychotropic drugs, both legal and illicit, are a predominant part of our everyday lives. Psychedelic Anthropology examines their use and meaning within cultures of health and wellness, and the plant medicine, spiritual, social, political and economic issues that surround their production, use and misuse. Course activities focus on ethnographic research strategies and arts-based approaches to public scholarship.
- ANTH 4090 can be used as a CLAS Behavioral Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of upper-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. Prereq: Junior or Senior status.
ANTH 3142 Cultural Diversity in the Modern World
Summer 2025 Online
- An in-depth analysis of the phenomena of culture and application of the culture concept to understanding cultural diversity in the modern world. Applies the concept of culture to several basic aspects of human social life, for example: social class and gender relations, ethnicity, racism and sexism, education, health and economic behavior. Students explore these issues in the context of case studies of particular groups and/or communities, focusing primarily on the diversity of cultural expression in contemporary U.S.
- ANTH 3142 can be used as a CORE Cultural Diversity course _or_ as a CLAS Behavioral Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of upper-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
CLAS Communicative Skills Graduation Requirement: In addition to CORE, CLAS BA & BS students must complete one course from the CLAS Requirements Communicative Skills list. A grade of C- or better is required.
ENGL 3084 Digital Writing and Storytelling
Summer 2025 Online
- Open to Juniors and Seniors, this course offers students opportunities to examine and compose texts where language is integrated with other media, such as video, still images, music, etc. Includes basic instruction in digital multimedia composition and design tools.
- ENGL 3084 can be used as a CORE Arts course _or_ as a CLAS Communicative Skills course _or_ as a CLAS Humanities course _or_ as 3 hours of upper-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. Prereq: 60 hours earned.
In addition to CORE, CLAS BA & BS students must complete one course with an ENGL, HIST, HEHM, HUMN, PHIL, or RLST prefix or a SPAN, FREN, GRMN, CHIN culture or literature course. Students may not use a language acquisition course or a lower-division English Composition course such as ENGL1010 to satisfy this requirement.
ENGL 3084 Digital Writing and Storytelling
Summer 2025 Online
- Open to Juniors and Seniors, this course offers students opportunities to examine and compose texts where language is integrated with other media, such as video, still images, music, etc. Includes basic instruction in digital multimedia composition and design tools.
- ENGL 3084 can be used as a CORE Arts course _or_ as a CLAS Communicative Skills course _or_ as a CLAS Humanities course _or_ as 3 hours of upper-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. Prereq: 60 hours earned.
ENGL 2156 Introduction to Creative Writing
Summer 2025 Online
- Students in this completely online Summer 2025 course read, discuss, and write short fiction and poetry in a workshop setting.
- ENGL 2156 can be used as a CORE Arts course _or_ as a CLAS Humanities course _or_ as 3 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs but it is expected that you have completed ENGL 1020.
In addition to CORE, CLAS BA & BS students must complete one course with a BIOL, CHEM, GEOL, PHYS, or MATH prefix, or ANTH 1303, ENVS 1044+1045, GEOG 1202, PSYC 2220. If you have only one science course-with-lab for the CU Denver Core Curriculum, this course MUST have an associated lab.
BIOL 1135 Human Biology
BIOL 1137 Human Biology Laboratory
Summer 2025 Online
- BIOL 1135 Human Biology (3-hour class), a course for students in non-science majors, covers topics such as basic human body chemistry, healthy internal body balance, new disease treatments, human inheritance and human beings as part of Earth's living systems. IMPORTANT: No new credit is awarded in BIOL 1135 for students who have credit in BIOL 2010(2061), BIOL 2020(2051) or BIOL 1560.
BIOL 1137 Human Biology Laboratory (optional 1-hour lab can be taken with BIOL 1135 in same term or later term) will investigate the function of the human body while emphasizing the use of the scientific method. IMPORTANT: No new credit is awarded in BIOL 1137 for students who have credit in 2011(2081), BIOL 2021(2071) or BIOL 1560. - BIOL 1135 and BIOL 1137 together can be used as a CORE Natural & Physical Sciences course-with-lab _or_ as CLAS Natural & Physical Sciences course-with-lab _or_ as 4 hours of lower-division elective credit. If you do not need a second lab science, you can take BIOL 1135 by itself as a course-without-lab for CORE or CLAS or 3 hours elective credit. No Prereqs for BIOL 1135 class. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
ENVS 1044 Introduction to Environmental Science
with required lab ENVS 1045
Summer 2025 Online
- Climate change. Acid rain. Water pollution. Extinction. You undoubtably know the long list of challenges facing the Earth's environmental systems, but do you truly know how these issues develop? What about the (sometimes hidden) part you play in their creation or the simple actions that you can take to solve them? From start to finish, ENVS 1044 is focused on making you a more informed and engaged citizen on topics that will define the next century. Through lecture, discussion, classroom activities, and the required ENVS 1045 hands-on laboratory complement this course will explore topics in a wide survey of environmental science areas including sustainability, agriculture, waste management, energy, climate, atmosphere, water, and wildlife. Within a community of your peers, we will focus on not just defining the problems, but also developing straightforward and achievable actions that will enable you to become part of the solution.
- ENVS 1044 and ENVS 1045 together can be used as a CORE Natural & Physical Sciences course-with-lab -or- as a CLAS Natural & Physical Sciences course-with-lab -or- as 4 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
CHEM 1000 Foundations for General Chemistry
Summer 2025 Online
- This is a course-without-lab intended for students pursuing a degree in science or a health-related field as preparation for General Chemistry. The course is designed for students who have never had a chemistry course or who have not taken general chemistry in 5+ years. Topics include the classification of matter, the Metric system, dimensional analysis, atomic theory and the structure of atoms, periodic relationships, energy and temperature, gas laws and the kinetic molecular theory, compounds and nomenclature of inorganic compounds, the mole, stoichiometry, types of chemical reactions, balancing equations, electron configurations, and chemical bonding. Enrollment in this course is strongly encouraged prior to enrollment in Chem 2031 if the student does not have a strong and recent background in general chemistry.
- CHEM 1000 can be used as as a CLAS Natural & Physical Sciences course-without-lab _or_ as 3 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
In addition to CORE, CLAS BA & BS students must complete one course with an ECON, ETST, GEOG, PBHL, PSCI, or SOCY prefix or ENVS1342, RLST3800 or SJUS2000.
ECON 2022 Principles of Economics: Microeconomics
Summer 2025 In-Person or Online
- Topics include price determination in a market system composed of households and firms: resource allocation and efficiency of various market structures, plus others at the discretion of the instructor. Note: Complementary to ECON 2012. ECON 2012 is not a prerequisite for ECON 2022.
- ECON 2022 can be used as a CORE Social Sciences course _or_ as a CLAS Social Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
SOCY 3010-ME1 Sociology of Human Sexuality
Summer 2025 Maymester Online
- Open to students with 30 or more hours earned, SOCY 3010 increases the understanding of differences in views of sexuality, specifically the link between sex and reproduction and its role as the motivation for gender roles and sex acts. Explores the history of sexuality, cross-cultural studies and primate modeling.
- SOCY 3010 can be used as a CLAS Social Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of upper-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. Prereq: Sophomore status or higher.
ECON 2012 Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics
Summer 2025 In-Person or Online
- Covers topics of inflation, unemployment, national income, growth and problems of the national economy, stabilization policy, plus others at the discretion of the instructor. Purpose is to teach fundamental principles, to open the field of economics in the way most helpful to further a more detailed study of special problems, and to give those not intending to specialize in the subject an outline of the general principles of economics.
- ECON 2012 can be used as a CORE Social Sciences course _or_ as a CLAS Social Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
CU Denver Online courses are accessed through Canvas at
ENVS 1044 Introduction to Environmental Science
with required lab ENVS 1045
Summer 2025 Online
- Climate change. Acid rain. Water pollution. Extinction. You undoubtably know the long list of challenges facing the Earth's environmental systems, but do you truly know how these issues develop? What about the (sometimes hidden) part you play in their creation or the simple actions that you can take to solve them? From start to finish, ENVS 1044 is focused on making you a more informed and engaged citizen on topics that will define the next century. Through lecture, discussion, classroom activities, and the required ENVS 1045 hands-on laboratory complement this course will explore topics in a wide survey of environmental science areas including sustainability, agriculture, waste management, energy, climate, atmosphere, water, and wildlife. Within a community of your peers, we will focus on not just defining the problems, but also developing straightforward and achievable actions that will enable you to become part of the solution.
- ENVS 1044 and ENVS 1045 together can be used as a CORE Natural & Physical Sciences course-with-lab -or- as a CLAS Natural & Physical Sciences course-with-lab -or- as 4 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
BIOL 1135 Human Biology
BIOL 1137 Human Biology Laboratory
Summer 2025 Online
- BIOL 1135 Human Biology (3-hour class), a course for students in non-science majors, covers topics such as basic human body chemistry, healthy internal body balance, new disease treatments, human inheritance and human beings as part of Earth's living systems. IMPORTANT: No new credit is awarded in BIOL 1135 for students who have credit in BIOL 2010(2061), BIOL 2020(2051) or BIOL 1560.
BIOL 1137 Human Biology Laboratory (optional 1-hour lab can be taken with BIOL 1135 in same term or later term) will investigate the function of the human body while emphasizing the use of the scientific method. IMPORTANT: No new credit is awarded in BIOL 1137 for students who have credit in 2011(2081), BIOL 2021(2071) or BIOL 1560. - BIOL 1135 and BIOL 1137 together can be used as a CORE Natural & Physical Sciences course-with-lab _or_ as CLAS Natural & Physical Sciences course-with-lab _or_ as 4 hours of lower-division elective credit. If you do not need a second lab science, you can take BIOL 1135 by itself as a course-without-lab for CORE or CLAS or 3 hours elective credit. No Prereqs for BIOL 1135 class. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
ENGL 3084 Digital Writing and Storytelling
Summer 2025 Online
- Open to Juniors and Seniors, this course offers students opportunities to examine and compose texts where language is integrated with other media, such as video, still images, music, etc. Includes basic instruction in digital multimedia composition and design tools.
- ENGL 3084 can be used as a CORE Arts course _or_ as a CLAS Communicative Skills course _or_ as a CLAS Humanities course _or_ as 3 hours of upper-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. Prereq: 60 hours earned.
ECON 2022 Principles of Economics: Microeconomics
Summer 2025 In-Person or Online
- Topics include price determination in a market system composed of households and firms: resource allocation and efficiency of various market structures, plus others at the discretion of the instructor. Note: Complementary to ECON 2012. ECON 2012 is not a prerequisite for ECON 2022.
- ECON 2022 can be used as a CORE Social Sciences course _or_ as a CLAS Social Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
ANTH 3142 Cultural Diversity in the Modern World
Summer 2025 Online
- An in-depth analysis of the phenomena of culture and application of the culture concept to understanding cultural diversity in the modern world. Applies the concept of culture to several basic aspects of human social life, for example: social class and gender relations, ethnicity, racism and sexism, education, health and economic behavior. Students explore these issues in the context of case studies of particular groups and/or communities, focusing primarily on the diversity of cultural expression in contemporary U.S.
- ANTH 3142 can be used as a CORE Cultural Diversity course _or_ as a CLAS Behavioral Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of upper-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
SOCY 3010-ME1 Sociology of Human Sexuality
Summer 2025 Maymester Online
- Open to students with 30 or more hours earned, SOCY 3010 increases the understanding of differences in views of sexuality, specifically the link between sex and reproduction and its role as the motivation for gender roles and sex acts. Explores the history of sexuality, cross-cultural studies and primate modeling.
- SOCY 3010 can be used as a CLAS Social Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of upper-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. Prereq: Sophomore status or higher.
CHEM 1000 Foundations for General Chemistry
Summer 2025 Online
- This is a course-without-lab intended for students pursuing a degree in science or a health-related field as preparation for General Chemistry. The course is designed for students who have never had a chemistry course or who have not taken general chemistry in 5+ years. Topics include the classification of matter, the Metric system, dimensional analysis, atomic theory and the structure of atoms, periodic relationships, energy and temperature, gas laws and the kinetic molecular theory, compounds and nomenclature of inorganic compounds, the mole, stoichiometry, types of chemical reactions, balancing equations, electron configurations, and chemical bonding. Enrollment in this course is strongly encouraged prior to enrollment in Chem 2031 if the student does not have a strong and recent background in general chemistry.
- CHEM 1000 can be used as as a CLAS Natural & Physical Sciences course-without-lab _or_ as 3 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
ENGL 2156 Introduction to Creative Writing
Summer 2025 Online
- Students in this completely online Summer 2025 course read, discuss, and write short fiction and poetry in a workshop setting.
- ENGL 2156 can be used as a CORE Arts course _or_ as a CLAS Humanities course _or_ as 3 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs but it is expected that you have completed ENGL 1020.
ECON 2012 Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics
Summer 2025 In-Person or Online
- Covers topics of inflation, unemployment, national income, growth and problems of the national economy, stabilization policy, plus others at the discretion of the instructor. Purpose is to teach fundamental principles, to open the field of economics in the way most helpful to further a more detailed study of special problems, and to give those not intending to specialize in the subject an outline of the general principles of economics.
- ECON 2012 can be used as a CORE Social Sciences course _or_ as a CLAS Social Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of lower-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. No Prereqs.
A student may take up to one Maymester course. Students enrolled for more than one Maymester class will be administratively dropped from the second class. Maymester credit hours are part of your Summer courseload.
ANTH 4090-M01 Psychedelic Anthropology
Summer 2025 Maymester In-Person
- Psychotropic drugs, both legal and illicit, are a predominant part of our everyday lives. Psychedelic Anthropology examines their use and meaning within cultures of health and wellness, and the plant medicine, spiritual, social, political and economic issues that surround their production, use and misuse. Course activities focus on ethnographic research strategies and arts-based approaches to public scholarship.
- ANTH 4090 can be used as a CLAS Behavioral Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of upper-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. Prereq: Junior or Senior status.
SOCY 3010-ME1 Sociology of Human Sexuality
Summer 2025 Maymester Online
- Open to students with 30 or more hours earned, SOCY 3010 increases the understanding of differences in views of sexuality, specifically the link between sex and reproduction and its role as the motivation for gender roles and sex acts. Explores the history of sexuality, cross-cultural studies and primate modeling.
- SOCY 3010 can be used as a CLAS Social Sciences course _or_ as 3 hours of upper-division elective credit. Discuss how any course might apply to your major or minor with your Faculty Advisors. Prereq: Sophomore status or higher.
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