Year 1
Fall Semester
- ENVS 6002 Research Topics in Environmental Science
- Core and elective courses
- Establish area of interest.
- Identify graduate advisor
- Select and complete degree plan (e.g., thesis/non-thesis)
Year 1
Spring Semester
- ENVS 6004 Research Design (for thesis students)
- Core and elective courses
- File faculty advisor form at beginning of semester
- Identify thesis committee members (if applicable)
- File thesis committee form (if applicable) by end of semester
Year 2
Fall Semester
- Core and elective courses
- Thesis research (if applicable)
- Thesis proposal approved by committee (if applicable)
- Download Graduate School deadlines from Graduate School website
Year 2
Spring Semester
- ENVS 6800 Community-Based Research Practicum
- Elective Courses
- Thesis preparation and writing (if applicable)
- Apply for admission to candidacy
- Apply for graduation
- Request for examination
- Take comprehensive examination (written comprehensive examination or oral thesis defense)