Certificate - Creative Nonfiction

What is the Creative Nonfiction Certificate? 

The Creative Nonfiction Certificate teaches students the research and writing skills that are essential for crafting literary accounts of real life. From personal narratives to biographical stories, creative nonfiction writing must be grounded in the facts and use them to fashion compelling protagonists, poetic images, and narrative arcs that heighten readers’ engagement with the subject matter. Courses in the Certificate provide a broad-minded survey of different forms across the genre, as well as opportunities to deepen one’s skills in a desired area.

In both magazine and book publishing, the field of creative nonfiction (sometimes called "narrative nonfiction" or "literary journalism") has grown dramatically over the past few decades. More recently, even professionals and researchers outside of the humanities have begun to use storytelling to communicate their findings, as suggested by new buzz words such as "business storytelling," "data storytelling," and "scientific storytelling." While the Creative Nonfiction Certificate is decidedly literary in its orientation, all courses teach nonfiction storytelling skills that are useful to students from a wide range of majors.

About the Program

Certificate at a Glance

  • 4 courses (12 credits)
  • Most courses can be completed online or on campus
  • Open to enrolled students and non-degree seeking students
  • ​​Credits are "stackable" - courses taken for your major or core requirements can also count toward the certificate

Learning Outcomes

Certificate earners will:

  • Gain fluency with storytelling techniques and literary devices employed by creative nonfiction writers, such as scene-building, character development, voice, setting, and narrative structure.
  • Build skill in applying multiple research methods well suited to creative nonfiction projects, including archival research, oral history interviewing, journaling, fact-checking, and site visits

How to apply


  • CU Denver students in any discipline can apply to the program at any point in their studies.
  • Non-degree seeking students are welcome and encouraged to apply.

For CU Denver Students:

For Non-Degree seeking students:

  • Certificate earners complete an online Application for Non-Degree Admission prior to registering for courses.
  • Declare the certificate by completing this short online form: CLAS Undergraduate Certificate Intent to Declare Form.
  • The certificate advisor will contact you to discuss the program and your goals.


Email the certificate advisor, Professor John Tinnell, at john.tinnell@ucdenver.edu

Program requirements

What are the requirements to complete the certificate?

  • 4 courses or 12 hours of approved credits 
    • 1 required course (ENGL 4811: Creative Nonfiction Workshop)
    • 3 elective courses in nonfiction (see list below)
  • Students must achieve a 3.0 GPA average in all approved courses.
  • Credits applied to the certificate must be earned at CU Denver.

What are the course requirements?

Students take 12 credits in the following course areas.

Required Course

  • ENGL 4811: Creative Nonfiction Workshop (3 credits)

Elective Courses

Students must take 3 elective courses (9 credits) from the following list of nonfiction courses, taking 1 course in each category:

1 Elective Course in Nonfiction-Themed Special Topics:

  • ENGL 3405: Topics in Writing
  • ENGL 4190: Advanced Topics in Writing, Rhetoric, & Linguistics
    • These special topics courses must be a nonfiction-themed section, including but not limited to “Biographies and Biopics,” “Personal Essays,” “Nature Writing,” or “Humor Writing”

1 Elective Course in Journalism or Digital Storytelling:

  • ENGL 3084: Digital Writing & Storytelling
  • ENGL 3106: Writing for Print Media
  • ENGL 3416: Magazine Writing

1 Elective Course in Writing:

  • Any additional course from the 2 categories of electives above
  • Any additional course in creative writing

Who can I contact for more information?

Email the certificate advisor, Professor John Tinnell, at john.tinnell@ucdenver.edu