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Spring 2025 English (ENGL) Course Descriptions
English (ENGL) Course Descriptions
English (ENGL) Course Descriptions for Fall 2024
Summer 2024 English (ENGL) Course Descriptions
ENGL 1020 - Core Composition I (3 Credits)
Provides opportunities to write for different purposes and audiences, with an emphasis on learning how to respond to various rhetorical situations; improving critical thinking, reading, and writing abilities; understanding various writing processes; and gaining a deeper knowledge of language conventions. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-C01.
ENGL 2030 - Core Composition II (3 Credits)
Focuses on academic and other types of research-based writing and builds on the work completed in ENGL 1020. Focuses on critical thinking, reading and writing as well as working with primary and secondary source material to produce a variety of research-based essays. Emphasis on using both print-based and electronic-based information. Prereq: ENGL 1020 with a C- or higher. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-C02.
ENGL 3050 - Fiction Workshop (3 Credits)
Beginning workshop for defining and developing narrative craft, focusing on writing process and specialized topics. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3084 - Digital Writing and Storytelling (3 Credits)
Offers students opportunities to examine and compose texts where language is integrated with other media, such as video, still images, music, etc. Includes basic instruction in digital multimedia composition and design tools. ENGL 2070 recommended. Prereq: Junior standing or higher. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3170 - Business Writing (3 Credits)
Focuses on the strategies and techniques of business writing, with emphasis on reader, message and form. ENGL 2070 recommended. Prereq: Sophomore standing. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3331 - Topics in Literature: Am Lit (1-15 Credits)
May look at specific genres, aesthetic approaches to literature, ideological or socio-political agendas, or other special topics in literature and/or works of major authors. Prereq: Sophomore standing or higher. Repeatable. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 15 Credits.
ENGL 3416 - Magazine Writing (3 Credits)
An intensive, practical course in writing non-fiction with an emphasis on journalistic approaches for daily, weekly, and monthly publications. Prereq or Coreq: ENGL 2030. Term offered: spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3840 - Independent Study: ENGL (1-3 Credits)
Prereq: Sophomore standing. Department consent required. Term offered: fall, spring. Repeatable. Max hours: 6 Credits.
ENGL 3939 - Internship (1-6 Credits)
Employment situations designed and supervised by members of the faculty; concepts and skills developed in the classroom are used in business and public service contexts. Prereq: Junior standing or higher. Before enrolling, students should contact the Career Center. Note: Up to six hours may be counted toward the major. Note: students must work with the Experiential Learning Center advising to complete a course contract and gain approval. Term offered: fall, spring. Repeatable. Max hours: 9 Credits.
ENGL 4180 - Argumentation and Logic (3 Credits)
Explores the history of logic and its role in argumentation, studies various types of logical structures, and analyzes current uses of argumentation, with attention to writing arguments on current public issues. ENGL 3084 recommended. Prereq: Students must have junior standing/60 units
ENGL 4230 - The American Novel (3 Credits)
Surveys major developments in the American novel from the 18th century to the 21st century. Prereq: Sophomore standing. Cross-listed with ENGL 5230. Term offered: spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4840 - Independent Study: ENGL (1-3 Credits)
Department consent required. Term offered: fall, spring. Repeatable. Max hours: 12 Credits.
ENGL 4880 - Directed Research (1-6 Credits)
Students will engage in original research projects supervised and mentored by faculty. Students must work with faculty prior to registration to develop a proposal for their project and receive permission to take this course. Term offered: fall, spring. Repeatable. Max hours: 6 Credits.
Spring 2024 English (ENGL) Course Descriptions
ENGL 1020 - Core Composition I (3 Credits)
Provides opportunities to write for different purposes and audiences, with an emphasis on learning how to respond to various rhetorical situations; improving critical thinking, reading, and writing abilities; understanding various writing processes; and gaining a deeper knowledge of language conventions. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-C01.
ENGL 1601 - Storytelling: Literature, Film, and Television (3 Credits)
Asks students to explore how stories determine who we are. Everything people do fits into a narrative pattern, evident everywhere from TV news to memory to daily schedules. We tell ourselves stories about ourselves and others--how do these stories shape who we are as cultural beings? Note: this course assumes that students have completed or are currently taking ENGL 1020. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-AH2.
ENGL 2030 - Core Composition II (3 Credits)
Focuses on academic and other types of research-based writing and builds on the work completed in ENGL 1020. Focuses on critical thinking, reading and writing as well as working with primary and secondary source material to produce a variety of research-based essays. Emphasis on using both print-based and electronic-based information. Prereq: ENGL 1020 with a C- or higher. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-C02.
ENGL 2070 - Grammar, Rhetoric and Style (3 Credits)
Teaches the basics of English grammar in order to develop a rhetorical and stylistic confidence in reading and writing, using an approach that is more descriptive than prescriptive. Teaches students how to evaluate the grammatical choices of established writers and how to develop flexibility in the grammatical choices they make in their own writing. Note: this course assumes that students have completed ENGL 1020. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 2156 - Introduction to Creative Writing (3 Credits)
Reading, discussing, writing short fiction and poetry in a workshop setting. Note: this course assumes that students have completed ENGL 1020. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 2450 - Introduction to Literature and Film (3 Credits)
Provides students with close reading, viewing and analytical skills to explore a variety of literary and visual texts. Introduces discipline-specific genres, methods and terms for assessing literature, cinema, and related art forms through discussion, lectures and writing assignments. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 2600 - Greatest Hits (3 Credits)
Offers a cultural history of the best-seller over several hundred years, ranging from blockbuster films to popular novels, viral videos, and musical "hits." We will explore popular works in a range of different media, asking how they achieved the status of a best-seller in different cultural settings. Max hours: 3 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-AH2.
ENGL 2840 - Independent Study: ENGL (1-3 Credits)
Term offered: fall, spring. Department consent required. Repeatable. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3001 - Critical Writing (3 Credits)
Introduces literary theory to provide extensive practice in writing about literature. Note: Required of English majors and minors with a literature option and education English majors. Prereq: ENGL 2450 with a C- or higher. Restriction: Restricted to English majors only (all ENGL subplans) and Education and Human Development majors with the English (7-12) subplan. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3020 - Poetry Workshop (3 Credits)
Practical workshop for developing poetic craft, focusing on writing process and specialized topics. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3050 - Fiction Workshop (3 Credits)
Beginning workshop for defining and developing narrative craft, focusing on writing process and specialized topics. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3084 - Digital Writing and Storytelling (3 Credits)
Offers students opportunities to examine and compose texts where language is integrated with other media, such as video, still images, music, etc. Includes basic instruction in digital multimedia composition and design tools. ENGL 2070 recommended. Prereq: Junior standing or higher. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3154 - Technical Writing (3 Credits)
Introduces students to technical writing through study of and hands-on practice writing texts that communicate complex information, solve problems, and complete tasks. Students write proposals, reports, instructions, memos, documentation, white papers, data visualizations, and web content. Students practice content management, project management, audience engagement, and usability testing. Often, students work with industry and community partners on a technical writing project. ENGL 2070 recommended. Prereq: Sophomore standing. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3160 - Language Theory (3 Credits)
Provides a basic introduction to linguistics and language theory, including phonetics, grammar, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, cognitive processing, and language acquisition. Includes practical applications of the theories and methodologies presented. ENGL 2070 recommended. Prereq: Sophomore standing. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3170 - Business Writing (3 Credits)
Focuses on the strategies and techniques of business writing, with emphasis on reader, message and form. ENGL 2070 recommended. Prereq: Sophomore standing. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3405 - Topics in Writing (3 Credits)
Term offered: fall, spring. Repeatable. Max hours: 9 Credits.
ENGL 3416 - Magazine Writing (3 Credits)
An intensive, practical course in writing non-fiction with an emphasis on journalistic approaches for daily, weekly, and monthly publications. Prereq or Coreq: ENGL 2030. Term offered: spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3840 - Independent Study: ENGL (1-3 Credits)
Prereq: Sophomore standing. Department consent required. Term offered: fall, spring. Repeatable. Max hours: 6 Credits.
ENGL 3939 - Internship (1-6 Credits)
Employment situations designed and supervised by members of the faculty; concepts and skills developed in the classroom are used in business and public service contexts. Prereq: Junior standing or higher. Before enrolling, students should contact the Career Center. Note: Up to six hours may be counted toward the major. Note: students must work with the Experiential Learning Center advising to complete a course contract and gain approval. Term offered: fall, spring. Repeatable. Max hours: 9 Credits.
ENGL 4055 - Advanced Fiction Workshop (3 Credits)
Advanced workshop for developing and deepening narrative craft, focusing on writing process and specialized topics. Prereq: ENGL 3050, English major and minor only; all others must obtain permission of instructor. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4088 - Literary Editing: Copper Nickel (3 Credits)
Literary editing in theory and practice, using UCD’s nationally recognized journal "Copper Nickel." Topics may include evaluating fiction, poetry and nonfiction; design and aesthetics; line editing; the business of literary journals. Prereq: ENGL 3020 or 3050. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4166 - History of American Poetry (3 Credits)
Examines major American poets and poetic trends from the colonial period to the present, with attention to cultural contexts and to development of distinctively American practices. Prereq: Sophomore standing. Cross-listed with ENGL 5166. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4175 - Writing in the Sciences (3 Credits)
Provides rhetorical analyses of scientific discourse and student practice in writing research reports and proposals. Prereq: Sophomore or higher standing and ENGL 2030 with a C- or higher. Cross-listed with ENGL 5175. Students will not receive credit for this class if they have already received credit for ENGL 3175. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4190 - Advanced Topics in Writing, Rhetoric, & Linguistics (3 Credits)
Focuses on particular issues in rhetoric and writing as they pertain to reading and writing, including language and gender, language and culture, and language of political action. ENGL 3084 recommended. Prereq: Must have completed 60 semester hours. Cross-listed with ENGL 5190. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Repeatable. Max hours: 9 Credits.
ENGL 4280 - Proposal and Grant Writing (3 Credits)
Students learn how to find funding sources, write proposals, and manage grants for nonprofit, research, and industry contexts. Students practice the entire process of proposal and grant writing: 1) describing the problem in context; 2) identifying sponsors, building relationships, and finding a match;3) designing, writing, revising, and completing all proposal components; 4)conceptualizing and using persuasive visual and design elements; 5)responding to sponsors and managing grant funds. Often, students work with academic, industry, and community partners on a grant writing project. ENGL 3084 recommended. Prereq: Students must have junior standing/60 units of credit completed. Cross-listed with ENGL 5280. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4420 - Film Theory and Criticism (3 Credits)
(1) Familiarizes students with some of the central concepts and debates in film theory and criticism, both classic and contemporary, (2) enables students to develop advanced analytic and interpretive skills, and (3) guides students toward discovering and articulating original critical and theoretical perspectives. Note: this course assumes that students have completed ENGL 2250, ENGL 3070, ENGL 3080. Cross-listed with ENGL 5420. Term offered: fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4460 - Contemporary World Literature (3 Credits)
Surveys literature written by world writers since World War II. Prereq: Sophomore standing. Note: Texts read in English. Cross-listed with ENGL 5460. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4530 - Milton (3 Credits)
Extensive reading in John Milton's poetry (Lycidas, Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes) as well as his political, social and theological writings. Prereq: Sophomore standing. Cross-listed with ENGL 5530. Term offered: fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4651 - Second Language Writing (3 Credits)
Topics include: similarities between first & second language writing, the processes of composition & revision, teacher response to student writing, student processing of feedback, writing assessment, and the reading/writing connection. ENGL 3160 recommended. Prereq: Students must have junior standing/60 units of credit completed. Cross-listed with ENGL 5651. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4701 - Multimedia in the Community (3 Credits)
Produce dossier-quality multimedia shorts by researching and writing digital compositions for selected community organizations. Topics for research range across numerous social issues and involve all disciplines. Prereq: ENGL 2030, 3154, and 3170 with a C- or higher or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with ENGL 5701. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4720 - Honors in English (3 Credits)
Designed for students taking departmental honors in English. Prereq: Students must have written permission from the honors advisor. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4740 - Honors in Writing (3 Credits)
Designed for students taking departmental honors in English writing. Prereq: Student must have written permission from honors director and faculty advisor. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4774 - Topics in English Film and Lit: Before 1650 (3-12 Credits)
May look at specific genres, aesthetic approaches to literature, ideological or socio-political agendas, or other special topics in literature and/or film before 1650. Prereq: Sophomore standing or higher. Term offered: spring, fall. Repeatable. Max hours: 12 Credits.
ENGL 4775 - Topics in English Film and Lit: 1650-1900 (3-12 Credits)
May look at specific genres, aesthetic approaches to literature, ideological or socio-political agendas, or other special topics in literature and/or film from 1650-1900. Prereq: Sophomore standing or higher. Term offered: spring, fall. Repeatable. Max hours: 12 Credits.
ENGL 4776 - Topics in English: Film and Lit: After 1900 (1-15 Credits)
May look at specific genres, aesthetic approaches to literature, ideological or socio-political agendas, or other special topics in literature and/or film after 1900, e.g., Philosophy and Lit., Mental Health in Lit., Environmental Lit. Prereq: Sophomore standing or higher. Repeatable. Max hours: 15 Credits.
ENGL 4800 - Special Topics in Creative Writing (3 Credits)
Writing-intensive courses combining reading, directed writing, peer- and instructor-led workshops in a topic to be determined by instructor. Topics may include projects in a specialized genre, such as science fiction or noir writing, or in a field of professional endeavor related to creative writing, such as the editing and production of a literary journal. Note: this course assumes that students have completed a previous college-level creative writing course.. Term offered: fall. Repeatable. Max hours: 6 Credits.
ENGL 4820 - Senior Poetry Workshop (3 Credits)
Capstone workshop for students within the Creative Writing major track or Creative Writing minor. Emphasis on a single, sustained project developed by the student. Prereq: ENGL 4025. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4840 - Independent Study: ENGL (1-3 Credits)
Department consent required. Term offered: fall, spring. Repeatable. Max hours: 12 Credits.
ENGL 4850 - Senior Fiction Workshop (3 Credits)
Capstone workshop designed to deepen the understanding of narrative, and consciously apply the strategies of narrative craft to modern markets. Course will focus on the writing and publishing processes, culminating in a classroom narrative defense and submission to professional outlets. Prereq: ENGL 4055. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4880 - Directed Research (1-6 Credits)
Students will engage in original research projects supervised and mentored by faculty. Students must work with faculty prior to registration to develop a proposal for their project and receive permission to take this course. Term offered: fall, spring. Repeatable. Max hours: 6 Credits.
ENGL 4990 - Senior Writing Project in Creative Writing or Film Studies (3 Credits)
Individual writing project consisting of a creative manuscript or critical study. Manuscript must be 30 pages of high quality text. Note: Available only to students in the creative writing and film tracks. Prereq: Senior standing. Department consent required. Term offered: fall, spring. Repeatable. Max hours: 9 Credits.
ENGL 4995 - Senior Writing Project (3 Credits)
Individual writing project in any genre and any discipline upon approval of faculty advisor. Manuscript must be 30 pages of high quality text. Prereq: Senior standing. Department consent required. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Fall 2023 English (ENGL) Course Descriptions
ENGL 1020 - Core Composition I (3 Credits)
Provides opportunities to write for different purposes and audiences, with an emphasis on learning how to respond to various rhetorical situations; improving critical thinking, reading, and writing abilities; understanding various writing processes; and gaining a deeper knowledge of language conventions. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-C01.
ENGL 1601 - Storytelling: Literature, Film, and Television (3 Credits)
Asks students to explore how stories determine who we are. Everything people do fits into a narrative pattern, evident everywhere from TV news to memory to daily schedules. We tell ourselves stories about ourselves and others--how do these stories shape who we are as cultural beings? Note: this course assumes that students have completed or are currently taking ENGL 1020. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-AH2.
ENGL 2030 - Core Composition II (3 Credits)
Focuses on academic and other types of research-based writing and builds on the work completed in ENGL 1020. Focuses on critical thinking, reading and writing as well as working with primary and secondary source material to produce a variety of research-based essays. Emphasis on using both print-based and electronic-based information. Prereq: ENGL 1020 with a C- or higher. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-C02.
ENGL 2060 - Introduction to Writing & Digital Studies (3 Credits)
Introduces students to the topics of study in the English Writing major. Topics include writing studies (literacy, genre, research, and multimodality), rhetoric (history and theory), and the teaching of writing (pedagogy and practice). Prereq: ENGL 1020. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 2070 - Grammar, Rhetoric and Style (3 Credits)
Teaches the basics of English grammar in order to develop a rhetorical and stylistic confidence in reading and writing, using an approach that is more descriptive than prescriptive. Teaches students how to evaluate the grammatical choices of established writers and how to develop flexibility in the grammatical choices they make in their own writing. Note: this course assumes that students have completed ENGL 1020. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 2156 - Introduction to Creative Writing (3 Credits)
Reading, discussing, writing short fiction and poetry in a workshop setting. Note: this course assumes that students have completed ENGL 1020. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 2450 - Introduction to Literature and Film (3 Credits)
Provides students with close reading, viewing and analytical skills to explore a variety of literary and visual texts. Introduces discipline-specific genres, methods and terms for assessing literature, cinema, and related art forms through discussion, lectures and writing assignments. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 2600 - Greatest Hits (3 Credits)
Offers a cultural history of the best-seller over several hundred years, ranging from blockbuster films to popular novels, viral videos, and musical "hits." We will explore popular works in a range of different media, asking how they achieved the status of a best-seller in different cultural settings. Max hours: 3 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-AH2.
ENGL 2840 - Independent Study: ENGL (1-3 Credits)
Term offered: fall, spring. Department consent required. Repeatable. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3001 - Critical Writing (3 Credits)
Introduces literary theory to provide extensive practice in writing about literature. Note: Required of English majors and minors with a literature option and education English majors. Prereq: ENGL 2450 with a C- or higher. Restriction: Restricted to English majors only (all ENGL subplans) and Education and Human Development majors with the English (7-12) subplan. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3020 - Poetry Workshop (3 Credits)
Practical workshop for developing poetic craft, focusing on writing process and specialized topics. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3050 - Fiction Workshop (3 Credits)
Beginning workshop for defining and developing narrative craft, focusing on writing process and specialized topics. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3080 - Global Cinema (3 Credits)
Studies topics in international cinema, with particular attention to native production in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Note: May be taken more than once when topics vary. Prereq: Sophomore standing. Repeatable. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 9 Credits.
ENGL 3084 - Digital Writing and Storytelling (3 Credits)
Offers students opportunities to examine and compose texts where language is integrated with other media, such as video, still images, music, etc. Includes basic instruction in digital multimedia composition and design tools. ENGL 2070 recommended. Prereq: Junior standing or higher. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3106 - Writing for Print Media (3 Credits)
Interested in writing for newspapers, magazines, or new media? Get real-world and practical experience with this introduction to working in modern journalism. Students will work closely with the CU Denver student newspaper "The Sentry", have the chance to get their writing published, and get involved with student media. It's the best way to start writing professionally: with hands-on training. No previous experience necessary--just a passion for journalism and a desire to see your work in print! Term offered: fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3154 - Technical Writing (3 Credits)
Introduces students to technical writing through study of and hands-on practice writing texts that communicate complex information, solve problems, and complete tasks. Students write proposals, reports, instructions, memos, documentation, white papers, data visualizations, and web content. Students practice content management, project management, audience engagement, and usability testing. Often, students work with industry and community partners on a technical writing project. ENGL 2070 recommended. Prereq: Sophomore standing. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3160 - Language Theory (3 Credits)
Provides a basic introduction to linguistics and language theory, including phonetics, grammar, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, cognitive processing, and language acquisition. Includes practical applications of the theories and methodologies presented. ENGL 2070 recommended. Prereq: Sophomore standing. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3170 - Business Writing (3 Credits)
Focuses on the strategies and techniques of business writing, with emphasis on reader, message and form. ENGL 2070 recommended. Prereq: Sophomore standing. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3330 - Topics in Literature (3 Credits)
Courses supplement the department's regular course offerings. Recent topics have included Tolkien and international short stories. Prereq: Sophomore standing. Note: Open to both majors and non-majors. Can be taken more than once when topics vary. Term offered: fall, spring. Repeatable. Max hours: 9 Credits.
ENGL 3405 - Topics in Writing (3 Credits)
Term offered: fall, spring. Repeatable. Max hours: 9 Credits.
ENGL 3661 - Shakespeare (3 Credits)
Introduces some of Shakespeare's major plays and poems, which usually includes Richard II, Romeo and Juliet, Measure for Measure, Othello, King Lear, Anthony and Cleopatra and The Tempest. Prereq: Sophomore standing. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3795 - Race and Ethnicity in American Literature (3 Credits)
Focuses alternately on one of several ethnic American literary traditions (e.g. African American, Chicano) and their historical, geographical, social and economic communities. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3798 - International Perspectives in Literature and Film (3 Credits)
Fosters an understanding of peoples outside of the U.S. through the study and appreciation of non-western literature. Investigates how historical, cultural, and ideological forces constitute race, ethnicity, nationalism, and alienation in a single country or across a region. Topic and country/region varies by semester. Note: May be repeated for credit when title and content are different. All texts in English translation. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 3840 - Independent Study: ENGL (1-3 Credits)
Prereq: Sophomore standing. Department consent required. Term offered: fall, spring. Repeatable. Max hours: 6 Credits.
ENGL 3939 - Internship (1-6 Credits)
Employment situations designed and supervised by members of the faculty; concepts and skills developed in the classroom are used in business and public service contexts. Prereq: Junior standing or higher. Before enrolling, students should contact the Career Center. Note: Up to six hours may be counted toward the major. Note: students must work with the Experiential Learning Center advising to complete a course contract and gain approval. Term offered: fall, spring. Repeatable. Max hours: 9 Credits.
ENGL 4025 - Advanced Poetry Workshop (3 Credits)
Advanced poetic craft, including exercises in mode, genre and advanced revision. Prereq: ENGL 3020. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4055 - Advanced Fiction Workshop (3 Credits)
Advanced workshop for developing and deepening narrative craft, focusing on writing process and specialized topics. Prereq: ENGL 3050, English major and minor only; all others must obtain permission of instructor. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4160 - Poetics (3 Credits)
"Mechanics" of poetry in English, including meter, rhythm, rhyme, line, and other systems of measurement and logic. Emphasis is on historical development of poetic art in English. Note: this course assumes that students have completed ENGL 2450. Cross-listed with ENGL 5160. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4175 - Writing in the Sciences (3 Credits)
Provides rhetorical analyses of scientific discourse and student practice in writing research reports and proposals. Prereq: Sophomore or higher standing and ENGL 2030 with a C- or higher. Cross-listed with ENGL 5175. Students will not receive credit for this class if they have already received credit for ENGL 3175. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4180 - Argumentation and Logic (3 Credits)
Explores the history of logic and its role in argumentation, studies various types of logical structures, and analyzes current uses of argumentation, with attention to writing arguments on current public issues. ENGL 3084 recommended. Prereq: Students must have junior standing/60 units of credit completed. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4190 - Advanced Topics in Writing, Rhetoric, & Linguistics (3 Credits)
Focuses on particular issues in rhetoric and writing as they pertain to reading and writing, including language and gender, language and culture, and language of political action. ENGL 3084 recommended. Prereq: Must have completed 60 semester hours. Cross-listed with ENGL 5190. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Repeatable. Max hours: 9 Credits.
ENGL 4230 - The American Novel (3 Credits)
Surveys major developments in the American novel from the 18th century to the 21st century. Prereq: Sophomore standing. Cross-listed with ENGL 5230. Term offered: spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4601 - Teaching English Language Learners: Theory and Practice (3 Credits)
Overview of basic principles and practices in the learning and teaching of English as a second language. ENGL 3160 recommended. Prereq: Students must have junior standing/60 units of credit completed. Cross-listed with ENGL 5601. Term offered: fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4610 - Narrative: Form and Theory (3 Credits)
A critical and theoretical exploration of the elements of narrative -e.g., plot, character, dialogue, discourse-in literature and film. This course is especially useful for fiction-writing students in the Creative Writing Track. Prereq: ENGL 2450. Cross-listed with ENGL 5610. Term offered: fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4720 - Honors in English (3 Credits)
Designed for students taking departmental honors in English. Prereq: Students must have written permission from the honors advisor. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4740 - Honors in Writing (3 Credits)
Designed for students taking departmental honors in English writing. Prereq: Student must have written permission from honors director and faculty advisor. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ENGL 4770 - Topics in English: Film and Literature (3 Credits)
May look at specific genres, aesthetic approaches to literature, ideological or socio-political agendas, or other special topics in literature and/or film. Prereq: Sophomore standing. Cross-listed with ENGL 5770. Term offered: spring, fall. Repeatable. Max hours: 12 Credits.
ENGL 4840 - Independent Study: ENGL (1-3 Credits)
Department consent required. Term offered: fall, spring. Repeatable. Max hours: 12 Credits.
ENGL 4880 - Directed Research (1-6 Credits)
Students will engage in original research projects supervised and mentored by faculty. Students must work with faculty prior to registration to develop a proposal for their project and receive permission to take this course. Term offered: fall, spring. Repeatable. Max hours: 6 Credits.
ENGL 4990 - Senior Writing Project in Creative Writing or Film Studies (3 Credits)
Individual writing project consisting of a creative manuscript or critical study. Manuscript must be 30 pages of high quality text. Note: Available only to students in the creative writing and film tracks. Prereq: Senior standing. Department consent required. Term offered: fall, spring. Repeatable. Max hours: 9 Credits.
ENGL 4995 - Senior Writing Project (3 Credits)
Individual writing project in any genre and any discipline upon approval of faculty advisor. Manuscript must be 30 pages of high quality text. Prereq: Senior standing. Department consent required. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.