Developing your research ideas to the point that they become competitive for external funding frequently requires the collection of pilot data. Disseminating your pilot results through presentations at conferences and publications can similarly aid you in acquiring funding for a larger-scale project. To these ends, CLAS ORCA has established two small grant programs; (1) CRISP Awards which provide seed money for research and (2) Dissemination Awards, which provide funding for sharing your research findings in high profile venues.
CRISP (CLAS Research Innovation Seed Program) Awards are specifically intended to promote new and innovative research activities and to foster the submission of competitive applications to external funding agencies. There are two CRISP award tracks: 'Track A' awards grants of up to $5000 and 'Track B' awards grants of up to $10,000. Although awardees in both tracks are expected to pursue external funding options at the termination of the CRISP award period, awardees in Track B are required to submit a grant proposal with an expected request of at least $100,000 within one year following expenditure of CRISP funds. A call for CRISP applications is made only once per academic year (in Spring Semester). Applications and procedures will appear on the CLAS ORCA web site under "Announcements" as well as in the Dean’s Notes. CLAS ORCA expects to make up to 4 awards in each Track per academic year.
Dissemination Grants are designed to provide tenure-track, tenured, and clinical teaching track faculty with up to $2000 per academic year for disseminating research via publication (page and other publication charges), travel to support presentations at professional meetings, website design related to communication of research results, or other scholarly dissemination venues. A call for dissemination grant applications is made twice per academic year (in both Fall and Spring Semesters). Applications and procedures will appear on the CLAS ORCA web site under "Announcements" as well as in the Deans' Notes. To remain eligible for funding in subsequent years, grant recipients must provide a brief report on the dissemination activities supported by the grant within six months of their completion.