PLEASE NOTE: The General Rules for All Categories must also be adhered to.
Rule 1: Entry Production
- All entries must be original productions constructed using the NHDWebCentral website editor, beginning at the school level.
You may use professional photographs, graphics, video, recorded music, etc. within the site. Such items must be integrated into the website, and proper credit must be given within the site as well as in the annotated bibliography.
The student must operate all software and equipment in the development of the website.
Note: Using objects created by others specifically for use in your entry violates this rule. For example, adding viewer comments or using a graphic that others produced at your request is not permitted however, using graphics, multimedia clips, etc., that already exist is acceptable.
Rule 2: Size Requirements
Website entries may contain no more than 1,200 visible, student-composed words.
Code used to build the site, and alternate text tags on images do not count toward the word limit.
Also excluded are words found in materials used for identifying illustrations or used to briefly credit the sources of illustrations and quotations; recurring menus, titles, and navigation instructions; required word count notifications; words within primary documents and artifacts; and the annotated bibliography and process paper, which must be integrated into the site. The process paper is limited to 500 words.
The entire site, including all multimedia, may use up no more than 100MB of file space.
Rule 3: Navigation
One page of the website must serve as the“home page.” The home page must include the names of participants, entry title, division, number of student-composed words in the website, number of words in the process paper, and the main menu that directs viewers to the various sections of the site.
All pages must be interconnected with hypertext links.
Automatic redirects are not permitted.
Rule 4: Documents and Multimedia
The website may contain documents (e.g. newspaper articles, excerpts from written text, etc.), but the document must be contained within the website.
The website may contain multimedia clips (audio, video, or both) that total no more than four minutes (e.g., use one four-minute clip, four one-minute clips, two two-minute clips, etc.). Included in the four-minute total is any music or songs that play after a page loads.
You may record quotes and primary source materials for dramatic effect, but you may not narrate your own compositions or other explanatory material.
If you use any form of multimedia that requires specific software to view (e.g., Flash, QuickTime, Real Player, etc.), you must provide on the same page a link to an Internet site where the software is available as a free, secure, and legal download.
You may not use embedded material or link to external websites, other than described in the preceding bullet.
Judges will make every effort to view all multimedia content, but files that cannot be viewed cannot be evaluated as part of the entry.
Rule 5: Crediting Sources
All quotes from written sources must be credited within the website.
All visual sources (photographs, videos, paintings, charts, and graphs) must be credited within the website.
Brief, factual credits do not count toward the student-composed word total.
All sources must be properly cited in the annotated bibliography.
Rule 6: Required Written Materials
The annotated bibliography and process paper must be included as an integrated part of the website. They should be included in the navigational structure. They do not count toward the 1,200 word limit. Refer to Part III, Rules 16-18, for citation and style information.
Rule 7: Stable Content
The content and appearance of a page cannot change when the page is refreshed in the browser. Random text or image generators are not allowed.
Rule 8: Viewing files
The pages that comprise the site must be viewable in a recent version of a standard web
browser (i.e. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Google Chrome). -
Students are responsible for ensuring that the entry is viewable in multiple web browsers.
Entries may not link to live or external sites, except to direct viewers to software plug-ins, per Rule 4.
Rule 9: Submitting Entry for Judging
You must submit the URL for the site in advance by the established deadline, after which you will be blocked from editing your site to allow for judging.
Because all required written materials from Part III, Rule 13, are integrated into the site, NO printed copies are required.