The FOSS4G Lab at UCD aims to fulfill a growing demand for education, research and service in Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial applications (FOSS4G) development and applications by citizens, businesses, governments, educators, students, researchers and geospatial working professionals in the Front Range of Colorado and beyond.
The UCD FOSS4G Lab also aims to be a hub for fostering interactions and cross disciplinary collaborations between UCD students and faculty and to facilitate their engagement with public and private organizations and communities in Colorado, as well as with other universities in the USA and around the world. To this end, the lab is proudly part of the International Network of ICA-OSGeo Labs.
As of Spring Semester 2018, this network has 124 FOSS4G labs around the world based in universities, government agencies and private companies. Visit the ICA-OSGeo Lab Network to learn more.