The Department of Mathematical and Statistical Science is pleased to announce that Statistics MS student Adelle Price won the campus' 3-minute talk (3MT) competition that took place earlier this month. Price presented a talk titled, “Bridging the Diversity Gap in Human Genetic Studies,” which is mentored by Audrey Hendricks as...
Hamilton Bean, Associate Professor of Communication, recently received the Sue DeWine Distinguished Scholarly Book Award for Mobile Technology and the Transformation of Public Alert and Warning (Praeger Security International) from the Applied Communication Division of the National Communication Association, an award which will be conferred later this month at the...
Every 10 years, with the release of the US Census data, the Denver City Council redraws its city council boundaries to ensure that every person has a voice in electing their local representative. For the 2022 redistricting initiative the City Council wants to incorporate as much community input as possible,...
The International Studies program is proud to announce that Claire Ransom (BA '17) has published " Climate Change Can Shrink a Nation's GDP: Here's Why That Matters " as part of the World Economic Forum's COP26 climate change conference. Claire is now the Assistant Project Officer for the World Meteorological...
Anthropology Professor Charles Musiba was a recent panelist at the US/ICOMOS 2021 Symposium . The U.S. National Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (US/ICOMOS) promotes the conservation of world heritage and stronger connections to the global heritage community through advocacy, education, and the international exchange of people...
Andrea Velásquez, Assistant Professor of Economics, recently published an op-ed titled, “When Violence Goes Up the Income Gap Widens. Something Needs to Be Done,” in Initiative for Policy Dialogue . The piece discusses how global murder rates have declined steadily over the last two decades but still account for more...
The Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC), the flagship journal of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, recently collected the 46 most significant research papers published during the past century and beyond . Associate Professor of Chemistry Xiaojun Ren’s paper “ Nuclear condensates of the Polycomb protein chromobox 2...
Health and Behavioral Sciences Alum Emily Hammad Mrig won runner-up for the best new writer prize from Sociology of Health and Illness for her recent publication "Integrating fundamental cause theory and Bourdieu to explain pathways between socioeconomic status and health: the case of health insurance denials for genetic testing."
Meng Li, Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Health and Behavioral Sciences, recently co-authored an article titled, “ Physician’s flawed heuristics in the delivery room ,” published in the journal Science . The article discusses the general background and implications of an original research article...
Catalina de Onís, Assistant Professor of Communication, received the 2021 Tarla Rai Peterson Book Award in Environmental Communication, which will be conferred at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in Seattle, WA, in November. de Onís’s book, Energy Islands: Metaphors of Power, Extractivism, and Justice in Puerto Rico...