
A Discussion of the Obstetrical Dilemma with Anna Warrener

July 21, 2021

Leakey Foundation grantee Anna G. Warrener, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, was recently featured on the Leaky Foundation Origin Stories podcast to discuss the “obstetrical dilemma.” A hypothesis that explains why babies are so helpless, and why childbirth is so difficult for humans compared to other animals, the obstetrical dilemma suggests...

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Andrea Velásquez Explains the Negative Impact of Violence on Labor Markets

July 21, 2021

Exposure to violence can have significant economic impacts through their effects of individual behavior. In this VoxDevTalk, Andrea Velásquez, Assistant Professor of Economics, discusses her recent work leveraging a unique set of data to explore how waves of rising violence in Mexico City affect men’s and women’s labor market outcomes...

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Prestigious NSF CAREER Award for Greg Ragland

July 21, 2021

Assistant Professor in Integrative Biology Greg Ragland recently received an NSF CAREER award. The grant, titled, “Beyond differential expression: quantifying transcriptional dynamics and testing for adaptive value of transcriptomic responses at low temperature,” will be a comparative physiology study of transcription temperature in flies from different regions. At present, the...

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Gabby Mayne Shares After Birth Struggles in a New Digital Story

July 21, 2021

Gabby Mayne, graduate student in the Anthropology Department published in the online journal Aquifer her digital story After Birth . “After Birth” is a four-minute auto-ethnographic digital story of the birth of her second son. It details the emotional and spiritual struggles she experienced after his birth and ultimately how...

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Audrey Hendricks Publishing on Summix With Students

July 21, 2021

Audrey E. Hendricks, Associate Professor of Statistics in the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, along with 10 student authors published, “ Summix: A method for detecting and adjusting for population structure in genetic summary data ,” this month in the American Journal of Human Genetics . Many of these...

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Volunteer to Have First Day of Classes Pics Taken in Your Classroom

July 21, 2021

University Communications is hiring a professional photographer to take some photos on the first day of classes this fall. The team will be very grateful to any faculty member willing to let them in for a few minutes. Chancellor Marks is going to accompany the team to a few of...

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New Book from Former Dean Daniel Fallon

June 17, 2021

Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Founding Dean of CLAS, Daniel Fallon recently published a new book, Love's Legacy: Viscount Chateaubriand and the Irish Girl . This work of academic scholarship, told in first person as an investigative mystery, explores Chateaubriand's secret sponsorship of the author's great-great-grandfather, Thomas Fallon, to a...

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Stephen J. Hartnett Continues publishing on China/Taiwan Relations

June 17, 2021

Professor of Communication Stephen J. Hartnett just published a new book, A World of Turmoil: The United States, China, and Taiwan in the Long Cold War . The United States, the People’s Republic of China, and Taiwan have danced on the knife’s edge of war for more than seventy years...

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Physics Alum Erik Lucero Featured on a Recent Art Podcast

June 17, 2021

Erik Lucero, Applied Physics Alum, was recently featured on The Artisan podcast for the episode The Art within Quantum Computing. Lucero is now one of the top scientists in Google's Quantum Computing (hardware) division, and an accomplished amateur photographer.

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Deseray Sileo Earns Full-ride Scholarship to Medical School at UCLA

June 17, 2021

Current Anatomy TA and 2019 Biology Alum, Deseray Sileo was recently awarded a full-ride scholarship for medical school at the University of California Los Angles. She was offered and has accepted the David Geffen Medical Student Scholarship , and will matriculate to UCLA this fall. This is the highest honor...

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