The CLAS Staff Council invites your nominations for Outstanding Staff in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to be recognized for excellence in service and engagement on behalf of the College in the categories listed below. Please read the details of the eligibility criteria for each award and the...
Clinical Associate Professor of History Cameron Blevins’s book Paper Trails: The US Post and the Making of the American West has been selected as winner of the Outstanding Non-Fiction category for the 2022 Western Heritage Awards . Known as the “Oscars of the West,” the Western Heritage Awards honors individuals...
Alicia Cowart, Director of the Geospatial Analysis & Mapping Laboratory, was recently accepted as a UCGIS TRELIS fellow. UCGIS is the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science and TRELIS ( T raining and Re taining L eaders i n S tem) is a professional development network for women in the...
From her home in Tübingen, Germany, International Studies Alum Felita Gosau Reed has helped organize three medical supply trips in recent weeks, transporting them to crisis areas in Ukraine to aid fleeing refugees. Felita’s organization has also teamed up with Cassiopeia eV to collect funds to continue to purchase medical...
Stephanie A. Santorico, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Professor and Interim Associate Dean of Faculty and Staff Affairs, was recently named an ACE Fellow for academic year 2022-23 by the American Council on Education (ACE). Following nomination by senior administration and a rigorous application process, 46 Fellows were selected this year...
Anna G. Warrener, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, was recently featured on the YouTube channel The Dissenter . She discusses the evolution of the human pelvis, bipedalism, and childbirth with the channel’s Ricardo Lopes.
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Professor Jan Mandel recently ranked 880 in a list of Top Mathematics Scientists on . This is a world-wide, life-time ranking. Mandel has 100 publications and an H index of 42 (total number of citations of all his publications is 9,173).
Nicky Beer’s new book of poems, Real Phonies and Genuine Fakes , will be out from Milkweed Editions on March 8. Publisher’s Weekly called it an, “imaginative and spirited collection.” Pending changing COVID regulations, there will be an in-person launch reading for the book at BookBar (4280 Tennyson St.) on...
It's never too early to register to judge the National History Day in Colorado State Contest! It takes over 200 judges and volunteers to keep the day running smoothly, and to make the event a positive experience for our incredible students. You do not have to be a historian or...
The Chancellor’s Faculty Fellowship was announced in July 2020 as a result of Chancellor Michelle Marks’ Equity Listening Sessions. Nominated annually to one-year terms, the Faculty Fellow will focus each year on a different topic of strategic priority to CU Denver. The primary responsibilities of the faculty fellow are to...