Biochemistry Minor


Please click here to see Chemistry department information.

The objective of the biochemistry minor is to provide broad introductory course work and laboratory experience to science majors without the more technical mathematical and biochemical prerequisites required of the biochemistry major. The biochemistry minor is open to all CLAS students and should prove beneficial for science majors, pre-professional health science majors and students seeking science education certification.

These program requirements are subject to periodic revision by the academic department, and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences reserves the right to make exceptions and substitutions as judged necessary in individual cases. Therefore, the College strongly urges students to consult regularly with their major, minor and CLAS advisors to confirm the best plans of study before finalizing them.

Program Delivery

  • This is an on-campus program.

Declaring This Minor

  • Click here to go to information about declaring a major/minor.
  • To register your minor in biochemistry, please visit the CLAS advising office in NC 1130. After establishing your minor status, you are encouraged to meet with the biochemistry minor advisor, Dr. Kyoung Kim.

General Requirements

Students must satisfy all requirements as outlined below and by the department offering the minor

Program Requirements

  1. Students must complete a minimum of 25 CHEM credit hours.
  2. Students must complete a minimum of nine upper division (3000-level and above) CHEM credit hours.
  3. Students must earn a minimum grade of C- (1.7) in all courses that apply to the minor and must achieve a minimum cumulative minor GPA of 2.0. All graded attempts in required and elective courses are calculated in the minor GPA. Courses taken using pass/fail grading cannot apply to minor requirements.
  4. Students must complete a minimum of nine credit hours with CU Denver faculty chosen from the approved courses.

Program Restrictions, Allowances and Recommendations

  1.  All courses applied to the biochemistry minor need to be taken within ten years of the graduation date with the exception of General Chemistry I Lecture CHEM 2031 General Chemistry I or CHEM 2081 Honors General Chemistry I and Laboratory CHEM 2038 General Chemistry Laboratory I or CHEM 2088 Honors General Chemistry I Laboratory  and General Chemistry II Lecture CHEM 2061 General Chemistry II or CHEM 2091 Honors General Chemistry II Lecture and Laboratory CHEM 2068 General Chemistry Laboratory II or CHEM 2098 Honors General Chemistry II Laboratory. In the event that the student would like to apply for expired credit for Organic I Lecture CHEM 3481 Majors Organic Chemistry I, the student will need to test at the 50 th percentile on the ACS Standardized Exam for Organic Chemistry I. 

Chemistry Courses for the Minor

  • CHEM 2031, General Chemistry I 

     CHEM 2081, Honors General Chemistry I 

  • CHEM 2038, General Chemistry Laboratory I 

     CHEM 2088, Honors General Chemistry Laboratory I 

  • CHEM 2061, General Chemistry II 

     CHEM 2091, Honors General Chemistry II 

  • CHEM 2068, General Chemistry Laboratory II 

     CHEM 2098, Honors General Chemistry Laboratory II 

  • CHEM 3411, Organic Chemistry I 

     CHEM 3481, Honors Organic Chemistry I 

  • CHEM 3421, Organic Chemistry II 

     CHEM 3491,  Honors Organic Chemistry II 

  • CHEM 4810, General Biochemistry I1

     CHEM 3810,  Biochemistry    

     CHEM 5810, Graduate Biochemistry I

  • CHEM 4828, Biochemistry Lab

  • CHEM 4110, Advanced Analytical Chemistry
  • CHEM 4530, Advanced Physical Chemistry

  • CHEM 4640- Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry and Biochemistry

  • CHEM 4815- Structural Biology of Neurodenerative Dieases

  • CHEM 4820- General Biochemistry II

  • CHEM 4825- Biochemistry of Molecular Disease

  • CHEM 4835- Biochemistry of Gene Regulation and Cancer

  • CHEM 4845- Molecular Modeling and Drug Design

  • CHEM 4860- Bioinorganic Chemistry:  Bioinorganic Compounds in Medicine

  • CHEM 4880- Directed Research2 (Faculty-mentored research projects related to biochemistry.  Minor credit for this course requires prior approval from the Biochemistry minors advisor and the research mentor).

  • Students may enroll in CHEM 5810 Graduate Biochemistry I with permission from the instructor.

  • Students must obtain permission from the Biochemistry minors advisor prior to enrolling in CHEM 4880 for minor credit.