If your question has not been answered on our website, please call us at: 303-315-7650.

Can I drop a lecture without dropping the lab (or vice versa)?

You can drop labs at any time on the student portal up to the drop deadline. If you drop lecture however, you will be automatically droped from the corresponding lab as well. Lecture is a co-requisite for the lab class.  If you want to keep the lab class yet drop lecture you must wait until after week 10 (10/28/19 for Fall) and submit the late withdrawal petition form. Be sure to follow all directions on the form, have your lecture professor sign the form, and submit it to the CLAS office (NC 5014) before November 4th. If you have any questions about this, please contact the Chemistry Advisor Dr. Maron, the Biochemistry Advisor Dr. Fishback or the CLAS Advising Office.


How do I find a syllabus for a class I have previously taken?

Fill out the form found here: Syllabus Request.


I'm having trouble registering for a class because of a pre-requisite error.

Please send your student ID number, unofficial transcript with the pre-requisite class, and the class with section number (ex: CHEM 2061-003) that you are trying to register for to Dr. Fishback at: Vanessa.Fishback@ucdenver.edu