Scott Reed

Reed 2022
Department of Chemistry

Mailing Address:
Department of Chemistry
Campus Box 194, P.O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364

Office Location:
Science Building
Room 4131

Ph.D., University of Oregon, 2001
M.S., University of Oregon, 1996
B.A., Bard College, NY., 1994

Professor Reed's research interests include synthesis, nanoscience, pharmacogenomics, artificial intelligence, and green chemistry..

A full list of publications:  

Augmented and Programmatically Optimized LLM Prompts Reduce Chemical Hallucinations Scott M. Reed 2024, ChemRxiv, 

GTExome: Modeling commonly expressed missense mutations in the human genome Jill Hoffman, Henry Tan, Clara Sandoval-Cooper, Kaelyn de Villiers, Scott M Reed PLoS ONE 2024 19(5): e0303604.

Meeting Abstracts from the 5th National Big Data Health Science Conference. P21: Identifying genetic contributions to adverse drug reactions using big data. BMC Proc.  2024 May 16;18(Suppl 8):9.  doi: 10.1186/s12919-024-00292-3.

An active learning convolutional neural network for predicting river flow in a human impacted system Reed SM Frontiers in Water: Water and Artifical Intelligence2023, 5, 1271780

Assessing protein homology models with docking reproducibility AP Plonski, SM Reed Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling2023, 108430.

Metabolovigilance: Associating Drug Metabolites with Adverse Drug Reactions Tan, H.; Reed, S.M. Molecular Informatics

Demonstration of a Stereospecific Photochemical Meta Effect Pham, H.; Hunsley, M.; Yang, C.-H.; Wang, H.; Reed, S.M. Photochem 2022, 2, 69–76.

Biochemically prepared C-reactive protein conformational states differentially affect C1q binding CL Moon, AA Alnaas, Y Cai, SM Reed, MK Knowles 2022BBA Advances 2, 100058

Dynamics of Serine-8 Side-Chain in Amyloid-β Fibrils and Fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl Serine Amino Acid, Investigated by Solid-State Deuteron NMR. Vugmeyster L, Au DF, Ostrovsky D, Rickertsen DRL, Reed SM. J. Phys. Chem. B. 2020 124, 4723–4731. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c02490. 

A Semester-Long, Organic Chemistry Laboratory Structured around Unknown Analysis and Resynthesis as a Bridge to Guided-Inquiry T Kovacevic, A Skinner, JD Fisk, V Fishback, SM Reed  Journal of Chemical Education, 97, 6, 2020, 1633–1636.

Computational Study on the Removal of Photolabile Protecting Groups by Photochemical Reactions. CH Yang, J Denne, S Reed, H Wang Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 11512019, 1–11.

Measurement and Multilayer Model of Cooling of Gold Nanoparticles: Transient thermoreflectance experiments and multilayer analytical modeling. BG Green, SM Budy, SM Reed, ME Siemens, Journal of Applied Physics 124, 2018, 144301.

Polymer Mediated Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Different Shaped Gold Nanoparticles. Budy SM, Hamilton DJ, Cai Y, Knowles MK, Reed SM. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2017 487, 336–347. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2016.10.022. 

Lipid-Coated Gold Nanoparticles and FRET Allow Sensitive Monitoring of Liposome Clustering Mediated by the Synaptotagmin-7 C2A Domain. Hamilton DJ, Coffman MD, Knight JD, Reed SM. Langmuir2017 33, 9222–9230. doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b01397. 

Conformational Changes in C-Reactive Protein Affect Binding to Curved Membranes in a Lipid Bilayer Model of the Apoptotic Cell Surface.
Alnaas AA, Moon CL, Alton M, Reed SM, Knowles MK. J. Phys. Chem. B. 2017 121, 2631–2639. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b11505. 

Improved Methods for Evaluating the Environmental Impact of Nanoparticle Synthesis. Reid BT, Reed SM. Green Chem.2016 18, 4263–4269. doi: 10.1039/C6GC00383D.