Preparing to Graduate


Here are the important deadlines for students in Master's programs with a thesis requirement. Missing any of these deadlines may result in graduating the following semester. You may download the appropriate form by clicking on the underlined text. The location for submitting the form is noted on the form itself.

Spring 2020 MAY
Submit Application for Admission to Candidacy: February 5
Online Application for Graduation: February 5
Submit thesis for to the Graduate School for format review no later than: March 27
Submit Request for Examination two week's prior to exam, but no later than: April 3
Last day for taking final comprehensive exam or defending thesis, report, or project:  April 17
Submit final copies of thesis electronically to ProQuest:

Statement of Approval form: Prior to submission of above but no later than

April 24

April 24


Non-Thesis Option

At the beginning of the semester that the student wishes to graduate, they must complete the application for admission to candidacy as outlined above, submit the diploma card, and if the examination form has not yet been filed by the department, this form should be requested and signed by the advisor, graduate director, and one other faculty member. For non-thesis students, the written comprehensive exam constitutes the final examination for the M.A. degree.


Commencement is held twice a year on the Denver campus, in May and December. Students graduating in August or December are invited to attend the December commencement. If your name is on the August or December tentative graduation list, you will automatically receive information about commencement (time, place, caps, gowns, diplomas, etc.) by the middle of October. Students graduating in May are invited to attend the May commencement. If your name is on the May tentative graduation list, you will automatically receive information about commencement (time, place, caps, gowns, diplomas, etc.) by the middle of March. Contact the Office of Admissions and Records at 303/315-2600 if you do not receive information by the times indicated above.