Student Advising for the Undergraduate Program

Your advisor's role:

  • Choose appropriate math classes to meet your math graduation requirements.
  • Assist you in deciding upon which area of math in which to specialize.
  • Provide you with career advice.
  • Suggest core sequence and course scheduling.

What advisors cannot do:

  • Help you with university and CLAS policies and procedures
  • Core (non-math) requirements
  • Transfer credit evaluation for core requirements
  • Academic warning and probation
  • Residency requirements
  • Graduation paperwork

Math transfer credits:

  • The first step you must complete is to submit an official transcript from your previous college or institution to the CU Denver Registrar, and receive notice that they have accepted your credits. This is typically done when you apply to the university.
  • Once this first step has been completed, you may move forward with the rest of the process with us here in the Math Department.​ The person to see is the staff support person at the front desk of the Mathematics Department located on the 4th floor of the Student Commons Building. The math staff support will provide a Transfer Credit Evaluation Form that they require you fill out.
  • You must bring:
  1. A syllabus or course outline, which includes any prerequisites, if applicable, for the course in question. If you do not have an original syllabus, you may provide a current syllabus offered by the transferring institution or instructor teaching that course at the transferring institution.
  2. (Optional) Copies of work you completed for the course, i.e. homework assignments or tests. If you cannot provide a thorough syllabus, this option will assist in the evaluation process.
  • If the institution at which you took the course is not an accredited institution of higher education in the United States, you will need to provide information about that institution. 
  1. Decision process. Transfer credit requests are reviewed roughly once a week. You will be notified through your university email of the decision.
  • Note: If you are unable to come in to the office, you may email through your CU Denver university email address, and provide the following: your full name, student ID number, student major, phone number (optional, for contact purposes), the full name of the institution you wish to transfer the credits from (no initials please!), and the course number and title of each course undergoing evaluation (for example, MATH 1401: Calculus I). Math staff will not under any circumstances accept transfer credit information through non-CU Denver or personal email accounts.

How to get an advisor:

  • Please call the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, 303-315-1700, and the department will assign you an initial advisor. If you have an idea about what area of math interests you, let us know, and that will help us match you with an advisor. After you have taken enough classes to know what area of math interests you, you may change your advisor to a faculty member in that area (see the next item for how to change advisors).

How to change your advisor:

  • If you cannot recall who your advisor is, please call the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, 303-315-1700, and we will be able to help you. If you would like to change advisors, you can:
  • Ask your potential new advisor if he or she could be your new advisor.

When you can meet with your advisor:

  • Faculty set aside time to meet with advisees several times a year. Once you have an advisor, you should receive e-mails several times a year that will inform you when your advisor is available to meet with you. Alternately, you can stop by your advisor's office to see if your advisor is available, or e-mail your advisor to set up an appointment. All faculty e-mail addresses are available on our directory page.
  • Once every semester, the department hosts an advising session for Math major and minors. You can also contact the front desk of the department to inquire about setting up an advising appointment with a faculty member.
