
Erin Austin
Erin Austin
Assistant Professor
Joseph Bilello
Joseph Bilello
Steffen Borgwardt
Steffen Borgwardt
Associate Professor
Troy Butler
Troy Butler
pic of Thomas Dunn
Thomas Dunn
Instructor, ICB
pic ID of Dr. Joshua French
Joshua French
Associate Professor
Stephen Hartke
Stephen Hartke
Michael Kawai
Michael Kawai
Senior Instructor
Daniel Klie
Daniel Klie
Instructor • Director of Statistical Programs • Co-Director of Math and Stat Support
picture ID of Yongxia Kuang
Yongxia Kuang
Julien Langou
Julien Langou
Liu Yaning
Yaning Liu
Assistant Professor
Gary Olson
Gary Olson
Senior Instructor
Dmitri Ostrovsky
Dmitriy Ostroviskiy
Assistant Teaching Professor
Florian Pfender
Florian Pfender
pic of Dr. Pourkamali Anaraki
Farhad Pourkamali Anaraki
Assistant Professor
photo ID of Joseph Quarcoo
Joseph Quarcoo
Instructor, ICB
Robert Rostermundt
Robert Rostermundt
Senior Instructor
Picture of Emily
Emily Speakman
Assistant Professor
Adam Spiegler
Adam Spiegler
Associate Teaching Professor
Diana White
Diana White
Associate Professor
Pamela Whitten
Pamela Whitten
Senior Instructor