Mailing Address:
Department of English
Campus Box 175
P.O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364
Office Location:
1051 9th St Park
Room 201
Office Hours:
Thursdays, 3:00-6:00pm (in Tiv345)
About Teague Bohlen:
Teague von Bohlen is a novelist and freelance writer who teaches Creative Writing at CU Denver, where he has been awarded twice for excellence in teaching. He teaches both fiction writing (Workshops at all levels, Special Topics, and Narrative Form and Theory) and courses related to journalism (Magazine Writing, Writing for Print Media). He serves as one of the Fiction Editors for the national literary magazine Copper Nickel, and the Faculty Adviser for the student newspaper The Sentry. Bohlen has recently been named National Chair for Literary MAgazines for the College Media Association.
Bohlen is currently a regular contributor to the Denver alt-weekly Westword, and has seen print in newspapers and magazines nationwide. His short stories have been published widely both in print and online, most recently in South Dakota Review, Waccamaw, Flash Fiction Magazine, Saranac Review, and Barely South. His first novel, The Pull of the Earth, won the Colorado Book Award for Fiction in 2007. His textbook The Snarktastic Guide to Student Success was published with Pearson in 2014. He is currently working on finishing his second novel, tentatively titled The Normal Home, and his Midwest collection of flash fiction and photography, Flatland, is available now at Bronze Man Books. Flatland was nominated for a Colorado Book Award in 2020.