Nicky Beer

Nicky Beer

Mailing Address:
Department of English
Campus Box 175 
P.O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364

Office Location:
North Classroom 4017C

Office Hours:


About Dr. Nicky Beer:

Nicky Beer is the author of Real Phonies and Genuine Fakes (Milkweed Editions, 2022), The Octopus Game (Carnegie Mellon, 2015) and The Diminishing House (Carnegie Mellon 2010), both winners of the Colorado Book Award for Poetry. She has received awards and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Poetry Foundation, the MacDowell Colony, and the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference. She is a poetry editor for the journal Copper Nickel.



Real Phonies and Genuine Fakes. Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 2022.
The Octopus Game. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon UP, 2015.
The Diminishing House. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon UP, 2010.


“The Magicians at Work,” Poetry, November 2018.

“Self-Portrait as Duckie Dale.” “Because my grief was a tree,.” “Benevolent Sisterhood of the Inconspicuous Fabricators.” American Poetry Review (March/April 2018).

“Juvelines,” The New Yorker, July 4, 2016.

“Mating Call of the Re-Creation Panda,” The Southern Review, Spring 2013.

"Post-Mortem." Reprinted in The Washington Post, Nov. 1, 2009.

"[After ten years,]." "Crackpot Arctic Octopus." McSweeney’s 31, 2009: 77, 154.

"Prairie Octopus, Awake." "Ad Hominem." Poetry, December 2008: 225-7.

"Still Life with Half-Turned Woman and Questions." Reprinted in Best American Poetry 2007. Ed. Heather McHugh. New York: Scribner, 2007. 8.

"Woman in a Stanza." The Nation 282.20 (May 22, 2006): 30.

Areas of Expertise:

Creative Writing, 20th and 21st Century Poetry, LGBTQ Literature, Poetics, Poetry in Translation, Literary Editing

Courses Taught:

  • ENGL2156: Introduction to Creative Writing
  • ENGL3020: Poetry Workshop
  • ENGL3330: Topics in Literature—20th Century American LGBTQ Literature English/Women’s & Gender Studies
  • ENGL3450: 20th Century Women Writers—20th Century Women Poets English
  • ENGL4025: Advanced Poetry Workshop English
  • ENGL4160/5160: Poetics English 4240: Topics in Contemporary American Literature--American Poets English
  • ENGL4801: Special Topics in Creative Writing English
  • ENGL4820: Senior Poetry Workshop