Miranda Egger

Miranda Egger
Assistant Teaching Professor • Director of Composition

Mailing Address:
Department of English
Campus Box 175 
P.O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364

Office Location:
North Classroom 4018B

12:30 - 1:30, and by appointment

I started graduate school at USM-- University of Southern Mississippi-- in American Literature, but when I discovered rhetoric, I switched tracks, adding a couple more years to my education, but finding a deeper passion. I finished my MA at University of Colorado and went on to pursue my PhD (many years later) in Rhetoric, Writing, and Discourse Studies at Old Dominion University in Virginia. 

Teaching has been a passion for more years than my academic track record reveals. My favorite toy as a child was a chalkboard and I routinely lined up my stuffed animals on the bed and practiced explaining my way through complex ideas for fun. Luckily, my techniques have grown since those early years. As a scholar, I pursue research in rhetorical theories of reading, especially in digital spaces, multimodal pedagogies, and Writing Program Administrator (WPA) scholarship.

What I do now--as Senior Instructor of rhetoric and Assistant Director of Composition -- allows me to both teach and study rhetoric. I couldn't ask for more.