Michelle Comstock

Michelle Comstock
Associate Professor

Mailing Address:
Department of English
Campus Box 175 
P.O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364

Office Location:
1061 Ninth Street Park, Office 100
Denver, CO 80217

Office Hours:
Mondays, 9:30-10:30am (in-person)
By Appointment (virtual)

About Dr. Michelle Comstock:

Dr. Comstock teaches courses in writing, writing pedagogy, multimodal composition, and public rhetoric. Her current research interests include the influence of sound (and audio) on climate change discourse and the larger function of aurality on the composing process. She has also published research on gender and technology, digital community networks, and the privatization of education.


2017 Comstock, Michelle and Mary Hocks. "Composing for Sound: Sonic Rhetoric as Resonance." Computers and Composition 43: 135-46.

2016 Comstock, Michelle and Mary Hocks. "Sounds of Climate Change: Sonic Rhetoric in the Anthropocene, the Age of Human Impact."  Rhetoric Review 35.2 (2016): 165-75.

2010 Comstock, Michelle, Mary Ann Cain, and Lil Brannon. Composing Public Space: Teaching Writing in the Face of Private Interests. Heinemann/Boynton-Cook.

2008 Comstock, Michelle R., Janice Lauer, Baotong Gu, William Hart-Davidson, Thomas Moriarty, Tim Peeples, Larissa Reuer, and Michael Zerbe. Multiple perspectives on mentoring. Stories of Mentoring: Theory & Praxis. Ed. Michelle R. Eble and Lynée Lewis Gaillet. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press.

2008 Comstock, Michelle R. "Grrrl Zine Networks: Re-composing the Spaces of Authorship, Gender, and the Counter-cultural." Reprinted in Plugged In: Technology, Rhetoric and Culture in a Posthuman Age. Ed. Lynn Worsham and Gary A. Olson. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

2006 Comstock, Michelle R. "Writing Programs as Distributed Networks: A Materialist Approach to University-Community Digital Media Literacy." Community Literacy Journal 1: 45-66.

2006 Comstock, Michelle R. and Mary Hocks. "Voice in the Cultural Soundscape: Sonic Literacy in Composition Studies." Computers and Composition Online: Special Issue: Sound in/as Compositional Space: A Next Step in Multiliteracies: http://www.bgsu.edu/cconline/sound/.

2005 Comstock, Michelle R. and Sarah Shirazi (student). "Community Digital Media Literacy Project." Computers and Composition Online 5: http://www.bgsu.edu/cconline/virtualc.

2004 Comstock, Michelle R. "Writing Vicariously: The Politics of Presence in the Distance Learning Classroom." Currents in Electronic Literacy 8.

2001 Comstock, Michelle R. "Grrrl Zine Networks: Re-composing the Spaces of Authorship, Gender, and the Counter-cultural." JAC: A Quarterly Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Rhetoric, Writing, Multiple Literacies, and Politics 21:382-409.

1998 Comstock, Michelle R. and J. Addison. "Virtually Out: The Emergence of a Lesbian, Bisexual, and Gay Youth Cyberculture." Generations of Youth. Ed. Joe Austin and Michael Willard. New York: New York University Press. 367-378.

1997 Comstock, Michelle R. and J. Addison. "Virtual Complexities: Exploring Literacy at the Intersections of Computer-mediated Social Forums." Computers and Composition: An International Journal 14:245-255.

Area of Expertise: Rhetoric and Composition, Rhetorical Theory, Multimodal Composing

Courses Taught:

  • ENGL 1020 and 2030, Composition I and II
  • ENGL 3084, Multimedia Composition
  • ENGL 4180, Argumentation and Logic
  • ENGL 4190/5109, Special Topics: Rhetoric and Language in the Public Sphere
  • ENGL 4190/5190, Special Topics: Writing New Media
  • ENGL 5110, Denver Writing Project Summer Institute
  • ENGL 5150, Research Methods (in Rhetoric and Composition)
  • ENGL 5913, Practicum in Language and Rhetoric
  • ENGL 6001, Special Topics: Gender, Race, Class, and the Teaching of Writing
  • ENGL 6002, Rhetorical Theory