Mailing Address:
Department of English
Campus Box 175
P.O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364
Physical Location:
North Classroom 4019B
Office Hours:
Mondays and Wednesdays: 12:00-1:00 pm
By Appointment
About Dr. Joanna Luloff:
Joanna Luloff is the author of the short story collection The Beach at Galle Road (Algonquin Books, 2012). The collection was chosen as a Discover Great New Writers Barnes and Noble selection and won the Maria Thomas Fiction Award. Her stories have appeared in journals including The Missouri Review, Confrontation, Memorious, and New South, and her story “Let Them Ask” won The Missouri Review’s Editors’ Prize. Joanna received her PhD from The University of Missouri and her MFA from Emerson College. Before all of those years of graduate school, she served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Sri Lanka. She joins the UCD English Department after teaching at SUNY Potsdam. Her teaching and research interests include creative writing, transnational literature, and the history and theories of photography.
Remind me what happened again. Algonquin Books, 2018.
The Beach at Galle Road. Algonquin Books, 2012.
“If You Tell Us We’re All Right, I’ll Believe You,” novel excerpt, Hawaii Pacific Review, 2013
“Children’s Games,” short story, New South, 3:1, Spring 2010
“Galle Road,” short story, Confrontation Magazine, Issue 100,Winter 2008
“Counting Hours,” short story, Memorious 9, Winter 2008
“Let Them Ask,” short story, 29:1, The Missouri Review, Spring 2006
Areas of Expertise: Creative Writing Transnational Literature Photography Studies
Courses Taught:
- English 3050 Fiction Workshop
- English 4055 Advanced Fiction Workshop
- English 4850 Senior Fiction Workshop