Casey Rudkin

Rudkin pp

Mailing Address:
Department of English
Campus Box 175 
P.O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364

Office Location: 
St. Cajetan's Room 103
101 Lawrence Way
Denver, CO 80204

Office Hours:

TTh 11:00-12:00pm (in-person, North Classroom Building Atrium) 
Monday 10:00-12:00pm by appointment via ZOOM 

Dr. Casey J Rudkin teaches, games, writes, and tells stories.  Graduating from Michigan Tech with a PhD in Rhetoric and Technical Communication, she has taught all over the country, including at Temple University in Philadelphia, Western Connecticut State University, and Kenai Peninsula College in Alaska.  She loves teaching writing because it gives her the chance to read the works of students who are just starting their own writing journeys.  In her non-academic life, she writes horror stories, romantic screenplays, and role playing game scenarios.  She is a Game Master and a storyteller.  Dr. Casey recently moved to Colorado with her three dogs and is enjoying the ride.