
Morris on #FreeRedFawn

Aug. 23, 2018

Political Science Professor and longtime organizer with the American Indian Movement of Colorado explains what the #FreeRedFawn movement has meant in Denver, why supporters believe Fallis was framed and then wrongly accused, and what Fallis has planned for the future. Glenn Morris Reflects on Red Fawn's Sentencing, Standing Rock Westword...

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Hasinoff on technology and parental monitoring

July 19, 2018

Technology has helped make monitoring kids easier, as apps can track where they go and what they say, but Assistant Communication Professor Amy Hasinoff said, "It's much better to just start from communication, build a relationship, have an open dialogue." Should parents allow privacy for their kids or monitor their...

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Otañez on child labor in tobacco

July 19, 2018

Marty Otañez, Associate Anthropology Professor, said, "There is a disconnect between what company representatives say they do and what they actually do," he alleged. "In every segment during the tobacco production process, you find different magnitudes of child labour." Tobacco: activist investors pressure £20bn companies over child labour The Guardian...

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Williams creates magazine for conservative women

July 19, 2018

Laci Williams saw a need for a lifestyle and fashion magazine that took a conservative approach. The 22-year-old Political Science student decided to fill that gap herself. She founded a magazine called Expressions . On the cover of the first issue is Antonia Okafor , an advocate for broader concealed...

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Hunt on Stapleton and national renaming debates

June 21, 2018

Associate Professor of History Rebecca Hunt said the local discussion about renaming Stapleton is happening within a national conversation on race relations and history that includes the choice by some cities to take down Confederate monuments. "We are dealing with things like Stapleton and statues because of the modern time...

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Luck on tariff impacts on beer prices

June 21, 2018

Economics Assistant Professor Philip Luck was interviewed about how new aluminum tariffs could hurt the American beer industry. Luck believes the tariffs themselves will inevitably lead to higher beer prices. "The main problem here, again, is the uncertainty generated by these tariffs," Luck said. When it comes to beer, Luck...

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Andrew Friedson, Assistant Professor of Economics

Friedson on Colorado job market growth

June 21, 2018

"If the U.S. isn't slowing down right now, then Colorado definitely isn't slowing down," said Andrew Friedson, Assistant Professor of Economics. Colorado Job Growth Quickens, Surprising Economists Colorado Public Radio , June 15

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Jenkins on his role at commencement

May 11, 2018

You've seen him do his high-wire name reading act at graduation for many years with confidence and style. Now hear how Associate Professor and Chair of Modern Languages Devin Jenkins feels about the important service he does for the university. What goes into reading names at CU Denver's commencement Next...

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Sullivan exposing how property owners are wringing profits out of low-income homeowners

May 11, 2018

"These issues that you see at Friendly Village may seem unique to this one park, but they are indicative of the capricious and arbitrary actions landlords take in mobile home parks across the nation. You hear these same stories over and over again," said Assistant Sociology Professor Esther Sullivan. Thornton...

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Colwell on ethics in historic genetic data gathering

April 12, 2018

"As an archaeologist, I share in the excitement around how technology and techniques to study DNA are leaping ahead... But, I have also closely studied the history of collecting human remains for science. I am gravely concerned that the current "bone rush" to make new genetic discoveries has set off...

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