To help kick off the fall semester, CU Denver now has a one-stop-shop CU Denver Election website for all things election, public policy discussion, and civic engagement. You can find voter resources, a campus civic engagement calendar, a curated list of CU Denver experts, links to topical CU Denver media...
Fall Commencement 2018 is set for Saturday, December 15, at the Colorado Convention Center and it doesn't happen without volunteers. Kelly A. Mason is planning the day and it's easy to make her smile. Just drop her an email and let her know you want to be part of her...
Volunteer to help our students in need of academic accommodations wrap up a successful semester during final exams week. Shifts are available to pick up or deliver exams, proctor exams or act as a reader or scribe for a student, Monday, Dec. 10 through Friday, Dec. 14. Sign up now!
Register now for the ceremony and rent your cap and gown Commencement fees through November 16th Bachelor’s degree $45 Master’s degree $55 Doctoral degree $72 prices increase on November 17th Questions? Call 303.315.2113 or email
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is currently soliciting nominations for the Outstanding Graduate Students from the College. Departments may submit one individual to each of two categories: Masters (MA, MS, MHUM, MSS, MIS) and Ph.D. Nominating packets are due electronically to Kathleen Bollard by 5 pm on Monday,...
The STEAMposium will be held on Friday, October 12, 2018 (~9:00 - 2:00) – a joint effort between CU Denver Admissions and K-12 Outreach. This event is aimed at showcasing Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics to hundreds of high schoolers, including many accepted students and their families. We hope...
In a relaxed, supportive atmosphere: the kitchen—where else? Cooking en Español: Tapas and Wine with Amigos del Sur creates a sabrosa opportunity for a Denver audience already aware of the value of the culinary arts and the Spanish language. At basic through advanced Spanish levels, with English translators at the...
The EURēCA! Fellows Program is being piloted in 2018 with the support of the Office of the Provost and administration by the Office of Research Services with support from the Experiential Learning Center. This is a highly competitive grants-in-aid program that provides a small number of CU Denver undergraduates from...
The mission of The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) is to support and promote high-quality undergraduate student-faculty collaborative research and scholarship in all disciplines, including the social sciences, arts, and humanities. Individual members receive numerous benefits, including an electronic subscription to the CUR Quarterly ; access to information on funding...
On April 10, Chancellor Dorothy Horrell hosted a ceremony at Oceannaire Restaurant for CU Denver faculty and staff whose service reached the quarter century landmark. The chancellor noted that the faculty members have seen many changes at CU Denver over the years, and have remained steadfastly committed to shaping the...