Final day to drop a CU Succeed course is March 21st.


What is CU Succeed?

The CU Succeed Program enables students to earn university credits prior to graduating from high school, offering a curriculum comprised of lower-division courses within CU Denver's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of Engineering and Applied Science and College of Arts & Media. These courses are taught in the high school by high school faculty (CU Succeed Gold Program) or University of Colorado Denver lecturers (CU Succeed Silver Program) who meet the minimum qualifications for approval. Approval is determined by the academic department faculty.

How does the program work?

Approved lecturers work with the CU Succeed Programs at CU Denver to ensure that the offered course is comparable in every way to the same course on campus. The syllabus is reviewed by the appropriate academic department every term. Administrative procedures mirror those on campus, i.e. students enroll online and pay their tuition through the CU Denver Bursar's Office, students complete instructor evaluations, and grades are reported to the University by using official University procedures. The credit earned by students becomes part of their permanent record at the University of Colorado.

CU Succeed Gold Lecturers are not paid directly by the University; instead, a portion of each enrollment is paid back to the high school in the form of an administative stipend. The CU Succeed Gold tuition rate is $77 per credit hour, and the stipend rate is $8 per credit hour.

How do I apply?

If you wish to be considered for a CU Succeed Lecturer appointment, follow the procedures outlined on the New Lecturer Application Page.