- Undergraduate Certificate in Global & Intercultural Communication
- Undergraduate Certificate in Health Communication
- Undergraduate Certificate in Mediation
- Undergraduate Certificate in Strategic Communication
- Graduate Certificate in Health Communication
- Graduate Certificate in Strategic Communication
The Undergraduate Certificate in Global and Intercultural Communication will offer learners the opportunity to demonstrate expertise in global and intercultural communication. In an increasingly mobile and connected world, employees need to navigate complex international information systems, build multinational relationships, and create diverse and inclusive global businesses.
Click Here to view the Learning Outcomes
Certificate Requirements
The Undergraduate Certificate in Global and Intercultural Communication will require students to complete 12 credit hours.
Required Courses
Students must complete the following 2 core courses:
- COMM 4270 Intercultural Communication
- COMM 4720 Dynamics of Global Communication
Elective Courses
Students choose one elective from a wide array of interdisciplinary classes.
- ANTH 3121 Language, Culture, and Communication
- ANTH 3142 Cultural Diversity in the Modern World
- COMM 3271 Communication and Diversity
- COMM/INTS 4152 Religion, Culture, & Communication
- COMM 4262 Mediation
- COMM 4430 US-China Communication
- COMM/INTS 4611 Rhetoric of Global Food Policy
- COMM 4710 Latinx Communication
- ENGL 3080 Global Cinema
- ENGL 3798 International Perspectives in Literature and Film
- ENGL 4460 Contemporary World Literature
- ENGR 3600 International Dimensions of Technology and Culture
- ENGR 3995 Global Technology, Business, and Culture
- ETST 3272 Global Media
- HIST 3500 African History in Novels and Film
- HIST 4621 Explorers and Exploration
- HIST 4461 The Modern Middle East
- HIST 4462 Islam in Modern History
- HIST 4621 Explorers and Exploration
- Interdisciplinary global and intercultural studies elective approved by certificate advisor
Global & Intercultural Communication Capstone
A global and/or intercultural communication related capstone must use experiential learning or a high impact practice. Students have a choice of taking:
- COMM 3939 Internship (in Global and/or Intercultural Communication) (Internship)
- COMM 4700 Thesis and Project Practicum (with an approved global or intercultural communication project)
- COMM 4995 Global Study (or an approved global study class from another unit)
- INTS 4990 International Studies Capstone
- Discipline-specific class approved by certificate advisor
Grade and Residency Requirements
The grade of B or higher must be earned in each course completed as part of the certificate (a grade of B- is not acceptable). All of the credit hours for the certificate must be earned at the University of Colorado Denver, but may be completed on campus or online.
Application Procedures
To express your interest in the certificate, complete this form: CLAS Undergraduate Certificate Intent to Declare Form
The certificate director (Dr. ej Yoder ej.yoder@ucdenver.edu) will contact you with next steps after receiving your form.
Completion Procedures
At the end of your certificate journey, you will need to submit the CLAS Undergraduate Certificate Completion Verification Form
This form must be completed before the following deadlines for each semester, to ensure that there is enough time for the certificate to be applied to your final official transcript correctly.
Spring semester – April 1
Summer semester – July 1
Fall semester – November 1
Once confirmed, you will receive a digital badge (instead of a physical, mailed certificate).
Additional Information
Additional information about the Undergraduate Certificate in Global and Intercultural Communication may be obtained from Dr. ej Yoder, at ej.yoder@ucdenver.edu.
The Undergraduate Certificate in Health Communication seeks to impart the knowledge and skills necessary for creating, analyzing, and assessing health communications in a diverse and global world, where health occupies an increasingly prominent portion of our public life. This certificate provides students with a theoretically rich and practically relevant education in how health messages are generated, negotiated, and understood across a wide range of communication contexts, spanning intrapersonal communication to the mass media.
Health Communication Certificate Flyer
Health Communication User Manual
What Students Say:
"The health communication certificate program was key to my successful career transition from practicing veterinarian to science and health communicator. Although I had been a science writer, I needed to learn more about strategies to communicate health information in a variety of formats. Getting my certificate also helped me boost my salary and strengthen my resume. I would highly recommend the program to both undergraduates and adult learners." -- Dr. Kelly Diehl
Click here to view the Learning Outcomes
Certificate Requirements
The Undergraduate Certificate in Health Communication requires 12 credits hours (four courses).
Required Courses
Students must complete the following 3 core courses:
- COMM 3500 Health Communication (COMM 2500 also counts)
- COMM 4500 Advanced Health Communication
- COMM 4575 Designing Health Messages
Elective Courses
Students choose one elective from a wide array of interdisciplinary health classes.
- ANTH 4600 Medical Anthropology
- COMM 3660 Social Media for Social Change
- COMM 3939 Internship
- COMM 4051 Advanced Strategic Communication
- COMM 4260 Organizational Communication
- COMM 4282 Environmental Communication
- COMM 4525 Health Communication and Communities
- COMM 4550 Rhetorics of Medicine and Health
- COMM 4588 Digital Health Narratives
- COMM 4601 Food as Communication
- COMM/INTS 4611 Rhetoric of Global Food Policy
- COMM 4620/PBHL 3002 Health Risk Communication
- ENGL 4290 Rhetoric and the Body
- ENGL 4745 Humanistic Writing Regarding Medicine & Biology
- ETST/PBHL 3002 Ethnicity, Health and Social Justice
- GEOG 3501 Geography of Health
- HIST 4346 Medicine and Society: Ancients to Present
- PBHL 3030 Health Policy
- PBHL 3041 Health, Culture, and Society
- PBHL 3070 Perspectives in Global Health
- PBHL 4040 Social Determinants of Health
- PHIL 4242 Bioethics
- PSCI 4330 U.S. Health Policy
- PSYC 3262 Health Psychology
- SOCY 3440 Medical Sociology
- SOCY 3570 Death & Dying: Social & Medical Perspectives
- SOCY 4050 Health Disparities
- SOCY 4110 Society of Health Care
- SOCY 4220 Population Analysis
- SOCY 4270 Social Meanings of Reproduction
- Interdisciplinary health elective approved by certificate advisor
Grade and Residency Requirements
The grade of B or higher must be earned in each course completed as part of the certificate (a grade of B- is not acceptable). All of the credit hours for the certificate must be earned at the University of Colorado Denver, but may be completed on campus or online.
Application Procedures
To express your interest in the certificate, complete this form: CLAS Undergraduate Certificate Intent to Declare Form
The certificate director (Dr. Tamara Powell at tamara.powell@ucdenver.edu) will contact you with next steps after receiving your form.
Completion Procedures
At the end of your certificate journey, you will need to submit the CLAS Undergraduate Certificate Completion Verification Form
This form must be completed before the following deadlines for each semester, to ensure that there is enough time for the certificate to be applied to your final official transcript correctly.
Spring semester – April 1
Summer semester – July 1
Fall semester – November 1
Once confirmed, you will receive a digital badge (instead of a physical, mailed certificate).
Additional Information
Additional information about the Undergraduate Certificate in Health Communication may be obtained from Instructor Tamara Powell, Student Commons Building, 1201 Larimer Street, Suite 3311, tamara.powell@ucdenver.edu.
Mediation entails a third-party intervention designed to assist parties in managing conflict. Trained mediators are impartial process experts who learn to utilize communication and conflict philosophy and theories to increase the probability of more favorable outcomes between parties in conflict. The undergraduate certificate is designed for communication majors or any student interested in developing practical skills in alternative dispute resolution. The courses in this certificate focus on alternative dispute processes that include strategies for managing conflict in personal, public, legal, political, governmental and corporate contexts.
What Students Say:
"I would like to give a shout out to CU Denver Department of Communication! I graduated in the Spring of 2015 and was fortunate enough to be hired by a fantastic Fortune 200 company the fall before graduation. The value added to my resume was second to none after I completed my Public Relations and Mediation certificates. My employer was extremely impressed by the courses taken to complete these certificates, which still has me receiving job offers from corporate recruiters often! As an alum I take pride in being able to differentiate my expertise in the workforce by proudly displaying my certs on my resume. The practicality of both certificates is valued highly by top talent recruiters, which has served me very well since graduation." -- Michael O'Connor, BA, 2015
Click here to view the Learning Outcomes
Certificate Requirements
The Undergraduate Certificate in Mediation requires 12 credits hours (four courses).
Required Courses
Students must complete the following core course:
- 4262 Mediation
In addition, students must complete at least one of the following two courses (students who take both classes take one elective rather than two; students who take only one class must select two electives):
- 4255 Negotiations and Bargaining
- 4260 Communication and Conflict
Elective Courses
Students choose one or two additional class from among the following:
- 3271 Communication and Diversity
- 4240 Organizational Communication
- 4282 Environmental Communication
Students may be allowed to take courses other than those on this list to fulfill the requirements for the certificate if those courses fit their professional goals better. Requests for approval for different courses should be made in writing to Dr. Larry Erbert. Requests should include an explanation of the relevance of the course(s) to be substituted to the student's professional goals and the certificate. Such courses must be taught in the Communication Department at the University of Colorado Denver. Only one course may be substituted.
Grade and Residency Requirements
The grade of B or higher must be earned in each course completed as part of the certificate (a grade of B- is not acceptable). All of the credit hours for the certificate must be earned at the University of Colorado Denver.
Application Procedures
To express your interest in the certificate, complete this form: CLAS Undergraduate Certificate Intent to Declare Form
The certificate director (Dr. Larry Erbert at larry.erbert@ucdenver.edu) will contact you with next steps after receiving your form.
Completion Procedures
At the end of your certificate journey, you will need to submit the CLAS Undergraduate Certificate Completion Verification Form
This form must be completed before the following deadlines for each semester, to ensure that there is enough time for the certificate to be applied to your final official transcript correctly.
Spring semester – April 1
Summer semester – July 1
Fall semester – November 1
Once confirmed, you will receive a digital badge (instead of a physical, mailed certificate).
Additional Information
Additional information about the Undergraduate Certificate in Mediation may be obtained from Dr. Larry Erbert, Student Commons Building, 1201 Larimer Street, Suite 3008, larry.erbert@ucdenver.edu.
The CSC is designed to help students keep pace with worlwide transformations in information technology, media production, image consumption, message distribution, and norms of citizen engagement.
Here are some position titles of recent Undergraduate Certificate in Strategic Communication earners (since 2019):
- Anchor and Reporter
- Associate Account Manager
- Blog Writer
- Channel Communications Coordinator
- Data Management Intern
- Digital Marketing Manager
- Editor-in-Chief
- New Media Editor Assistant
- Platoon Sergeant
- Social Media Ambassador
- Social Media Analyst
- Talent Acquisition Specialist
What Students Say:
“Obtaining CU Denver’s certificate in Strategic Communication is one of the best decisions I have made for my career. This certificate complimented my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree and helped me develop an executive presence as well as impactful communication skills useful in any industry. Obtaining the certificate has opened up career opportunities for me that wouldn’t have been available had I not pursued it. I have served as a Business Development Representative at Oracle where clear communication was necessary in securing deals. As staff member for the Colorado Senate Democrats, I relied on my communication skills to speak about policies affecting our state and write speeches about them. In my current role as a Master of Science in Foreign Service Fellow at Georgetown University, I rely on my communication skills everyday to collaborate with university leadership. Communication is key in every field, and this certificate is a great way to become an effective communicator and a leader no matter what field you enter.” -- Ariana Nikmanesh, BA, 2017
“I am so glad I got this certificate [Undergraduate Certificate in Strategic Communication]! It has been a helpful addition to my resume when looking for jobs. The skills that I gained from the classes required for the certificate have proven to be very helpful skills in every position I have held.” -- Haley Pasquariello, BA, 2017
“I am very glad I earned the Strategic Communication Certificate. I work in Development, and the classes I took for the certificate gave me a strong foundation for my job. I am also getting my MA in Public Media with a focus in journalism and having the strategic communication background has been beneficial with my current classes.” -- Morgan Mackey, BA, 2017
“I am still very glad I have earned it [Undergraduate Certificate in Strategic Communication]. While I do not work in a field that requires it (IT). It has definitely made a difference as what I learned has improved my critical thinking and problem solving abilities. It allows me to approach things differently than most IT folk do. It’s also helped in how I handle my communication with others across my organization as I do quite a bit of mediating and liaising. Plus, I personally like having the certificate as it shows that I specialized during my undergraduate studies.” -- Chris Meehleib, BA, 2016
Click here to view Learning Outcomes
Certificate Requirements
The Undergraduate Certificate in Strategic Communication requires 12 semester hours (four courses).
A grade of B must be earned in each course completed as part of the certificate (a grade of B- is not acceptable).
All of the credit hours for the certificate must be earned at the University of Colorado Denver.
Phase One: Required Courses
To build on a shared set of foundational theories, norms, and skills, all CSC-seeking students take two required courses from COMM:
- COMM 2051 Introduction to Strategic Communication
- COMM 3072 Media Writing Skills
Phase Two: Elective
CSC-seeking students will then burnish their production skills by taking an elective from chosen areas of content expertise. COMM students are encouraged to take a FINE elective and Visual Arts Students are encouraged to take a COMM elective. Phase Two therefore includes taking one elective chosen from the following courses:
- COMM 2081 New Media Production and Management
- COMM 3081 Introduction to Digital Studies
- COMM 3660 Social Media for Social Change
- COMM 3939 Internship
- COMM 4665 Principles of Advertising
- FINE 2155 Introduction to Digital Photography
- FINE 2405 Introduction to Digital Design
- FINE 2415 Typography
- FINE 3414 Motion Design 1
- For ICB students and others, another elective with a strategic communication focus may be approved for the CSC in consultation with a Department of Communication advisor.
Phase Three: Capstone Project
CSC-seeking students will complete their certificate by undertaking a semester-long capstone project conducted in conjunction with a community partner. This requirement will be satisfied by taking one of the following:
- COMM 4051 Advanced Strategic Communication
- FINE 4400 Design Studio 3
Application Procedures
To express your interest in the certificate, complete this form: CLAS Undergraduate Certificate Intent to Declare Form
The certificate director (Dr. Hamilton Bean at hamilton.bean@ucdenver.edu) will contact you with next steps after receiving your form.
Completion Procedures
If you have completed your certificate journey, you will need to submit the CLAS Undergraduate Certificate Completion Verification Form
This form must be completed before the following deadlines for each semester, to ensure that there is enough time for the certificate to be applied to your official final transcript correctly.
Spring semester – April 1
Summer semester – July 1
Fall semester – November 1
Once confirmed, you will receive a digital badge (instead of a physical, mailed certificate).
Additional Information
Additional information about the Undergraduate Certificate in Strategic Communication may be obtained from Dr. Hamilton Bean, Department of Communication, Student Commons Building, 1201 Larimer Street, Suite 3010, 303-315-1909, Hamilton.Bean@ucdenver.edu.
The Graduate Certificate in Health Communication will offer communication graduate students in particular and CLAS degree and non-degree seeking graduate students in general the opportunity to acquire and demonstrate expertise in health communication. The certificate program will provide students with a theoretically rich and practically relevant education in how health messages are generated, negotiated, and understood across a wide range of communication contexts, spanning intrapersonal communication to the mass media.
The Graduate Certificate in Health Communication will serve students pursuing careers (or career development) related to health, wellness, and medicine, and further the Communication Department's mission to guide students toward developing the skills, knowledge, and abilities necessary to use communication to create a more civil and humane world.
Click Here to View the Learning Outcomes
Certificate Requirements
The Graduate Certificate in Health Communication requires 15 credit hours (five courses):
Required Courses (6 credits)
Take both:
- COMM 5500 Advanced Health Communication
- COMM 5575 Designing Health Messages
Research Methods Course (3 credits)
Choose one:
- COMM 5221 Research Methods: Qualitative
- HBSC 7041 Research Design and the Health and Behavioral Sciences (with instructor approval)
- HBSC 7051 Qualitative Research Design and Methods (with instructor approval)
- HBSC 7061 Quantitative Methods in the Health and Behavioral Sciences (with instructor approval)
- HBSC 7161 Quantitative Methods in the Health and Behavioral Sciences (with instructor approval)
- SOCY 5024 Seminar: Research Methods I
- SOCY 5183 Seminar: Quantitative Data Analysis
- SOCY 5193 Seminar: Qualitative Data Analysis
- Research methods class approved by certificate advisor
Health Communication Courses (3 or 6 credits)
Choose one or two:
- COMM 5000 Communication and Sport
- COMM 5282 Environmental Communication
- COMM 5525 Health Communication and Communities
- COMM 5550 Rhetorics of Medicine and Health
- COMM 5588 Digital Health Narratives
- COMM 5601 You Are What You Eat: Food as Communication
- COMM 5620 Health Risk Communication
- COMM 5840 Independent Study in Health Communication
- COMM 5880 Directed Research in Health Communication
- COMM 5939 Internship in Health Communication
- Discipline-specific health class approved by certificate advisor
Interdisciplinary Health Elective (0 or 3 credits)
Choose one or two:
- ANTH 5014 Medical Anthropology
- ANTH 5040 Anthropology of Food and Nutrition
- ANTH 5290 Anthropology and Public Health
- ANTH 5600 Anthropology of the Clinic
- ANTH 5800 Special Topics in Medical Anthropology
- ENGL 5745 Humanistic Writing About Medicine and Biology
- HBSC 7021 Theory in Health and Behavioral Sciences (with instructor approval)
- HBSC 7031 Human Ecology and Environmental Adaptation (with instructor approval)
- HBSC 7071 Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health and Disease (with instructor approval)
- HIST 5346 Medicine and Society: The Ancients to the Present
- PHIL 5242 Bioethics
- PHIL 5250 Environmental Ethics
- SOCY 5110 Sociology of Health Care
- SOCY 5270 Social Meanings of Reproduction
- SOCY 5050 Health Disparities
- SOCY 5650 Sociology of Adulthood and Aging
- RLST 5460 Death and Concepts of Afterlife
- Interdisciplinary health elective approved by certificate advisor
Students may be permitted to take courses other than those listed above to fulfill the requirements for the certificate if those courses fit their professional goals better. Requests for approval for substitute courses, including an explanation for the substitution, must be made in writing to Dr. Tamara Powell.
Grade and Residency Requirements
A grade of B must be earned in each course completed as part of the certificate. All credit hours for the certificate must be earned at the University of Colorado Denver.
Application Procedures
Students who intend to complete the Graduate Certificate in Health Communication must apply here. There is no application fee for currently enrolled students.
After completion of the required courses, students must submit the Graduate Certificate Completion Form to Dr. Tamara Powell. Once confirmed, no physical certificate will be mailed to you, but it will be noted on your final transcript.
Additional Information
Additional information about the Graduate Certificate in Health Communication may be obtained from Dr. Tamara Powell, Department of Communication, Student Commons Building, 1201 Larimer Street, Suite 3311, 303-315-0310, tamara.powell@ucdenver.edu.
Graduate certificate programs are designed for working professionals who already have earned bachelor's degrees but who would like to enhance or upgrade their skills. Students already enrolled in a master's program within the department may earn a certificate as part of or in addition to the coursework required for the degree.
Strategic Communication has been defined as the management function that entails planning, research, publicity, promotion and collaborative decision-making to help any organization's ability to listen to, appreciate and respond appropriately to those persons and groups whose mutually beneficial relationships the organization needs to foster as it strives to achieve its mission and vision. The Graduate Certificate in Strategic Communication is designed to provide students with the principles and theories that guide the work of public relations practitioners in commercial, public and nonprofit contexts.
Non-degree students who enroll in the MA program following completion of the certificate may transfer up to 12 hours of credits earned for the certificate into credits for the MA degree. The certificate also is designed for students enrolled in a CU Denver’s master's program, including the Department of Communication's MA program. For such students, the certificate can be completed as part of or in addition to the coursework required for the master's degree.
Recipients of the Undergraduate Certificate in Public Relations are ineligible to complete this certificate.
What Students Say:
“I can honestly say I would have never had the confidence to make such a [strategic communication] proposal without understanding negotiation and organizational structure and culture without these critical classes. While I’m scared of making the transition from self-employment, I’m so much better equipped for working in teams due to the completion of this certificate and all the coursework applied to it.” -- Kristen Thomson, Graduate Certificate in Strategic Communication, 2019
“I definitely feel that the certificates have helped me both practically - I think my messaging has improved and I have a better eye when it comes to editing (including when I’m asked to review design, not just content). In addition, I feel I’m more marketable. I note that I get lots more ‘looks’ on LinkedIn now than I did in the past and this improves with each certificate.” -- Dr. Kelly Diehl, Graduate Certificate in Strategic Communication, 2019
Click here to view the Learning Outcomes
Certificate Requirements
The Graduate Certificate in Strategic Communication requires 12 credit hours (four courses):
- COMM 5051 Advanced Strategic Communication
- COMM 5240 Organizational Communication
- COMM 5939 Internship
- An elective at the graduate level from the College of Arts & Media, School of Business, the School of Public Affairs, or the Anschutz Medical Campus. The elective must be approved in consultation with the Department of Communication.
Students may be permitted to take courses other than those listed above to fulfill the requirements for the certificate if those courses fit their professional goals better. Requests for approval for substitute courses, including an explanation for the substitution, must be made in writing to Dr. Hamilton Bean.
Grade and Residency Requirements
A grade of B must be earned in each course completed as part of the certificate. All credit hours for the certificate must be earned at the University of Colorado Denver.
Application Procedures
Students who intend to complete the Graduate Certificate in Strategic Communication must apply here. There is no application fee for currently enrolled students.
After completion of the required courses, students must print and attach the completed Graduate Certificate in Strategic Communication form to an unofficial transcript. These documents should be submitted to Professor Hamilton Bean. A certificate will be mailed to the student at the end of the semester after final grades are posted.
Additional Information
Additional information about the Graduate Certificate in Strategic Communication may be obtained from Dr. Hamilton Bean, Department of Communication, Student Commons Building, 1201 Larimer Street, Suite 3010, 303-315-1909, Hamilton.Bean@ucdenver.edu.