Marti Barrett was a University of Colorado Denver faculty member in the Chemistry Department from 1974 until her death in 1990. Her devotion to students and commitment to the university was so intense that her friends decided to establish the Marti Barrett Scholarship in her memory. Few have served the university so selflessly. Few have inspired so many to do their best. We, who knew her well, will miss her. Those who did not know her have missed an ennobling experience.
The Marti Barrett Scholarship honors the memory Marti Barrett, CU Denver chemistry professor and registrar. Marti made a significant difference in the CU Denver community by believing in the ability of those around her to accomplish their goals and by encouraging them in their pursuits. Marti never hesitated to help her students and colleagues when they found themselves in times of need. This scholarship honors the spirit of Marti Barrett’s giving nature and commemorates all her contributions. Women are particularly encouraged to apply for this scholarship, however gender is not a factor in the selection process.
The application deadline is 03/31/25. Scholarship awards will be made during the Spring semester of 2025. The number of scholarships and the award amounts vary, based on the endowment distribution. The Chemistry Department Awards Committee will review each application against the published criteria in order to select the scholarship winner(s) and amount(s). Traditionally, one scholarship has been awarded per year in the amount of $1250. As the endowment increases, additional scholarships may be awarded.
Evaluation Criteria:
- Women are particularly encouraged to apply for this scholarship, however gender is not a factor in the selection process.
- Preference for students majoring in chemistry. If no suitable chemistry candidate is found, then the scholarship may be awarded to a student majoring in a science.
- Actions that reflect applicant’s belief in the ability to accomplish one’s goals and help others in need
- Academic record and/or potential for academic success
- Financial need
- Participation in Chemistry Department, university, and volunteer activities
The Application Package Must Include the Following Attachments:
- One to two-page application letter in which the student describes how they fulfill the spirit of Marti Barrett. The letter should include discussion of the student’s current academic record and GPA, financial need, participation in Chemistry Department, CU Denver activities, and volunteer activities. The Chemistry Department activities may include teaching positions held (laboratory teaching assistant, lecture learning assistant, grader, work-study, etc.), Chemistry Club, supervised research, and any other department-related activities.
- Up-to-date curriculum vitae, including a publication list if applicable, of 1-3 pages.
- Official transcripts of all college and/or university work.
- At least one letter of recommendation from a CU Denver science faculty member.
- Please send the application package via email to: