Schedule an Appointment

We encourage you to schedule an appointment in advance by logging into WCOnline, our online-scheduling and appointment system.

 Check out our Scheduling an Appointment Guide and Online Appointment Starter Guide

To make sure appointments are available for everyone, each person is limited to:

  • ​1 appointment per day per location/service
  • 3 total appointments per week across all locations/services

Note: Failure to show for an appointment after a five-minute grace period will result in the appointment's cancellation so that the consultant may assist other individuals.


  1. You must first register in WCOnline and you must fill out ALL fields. Some helpful tips:
  2. Now log in to WCOnline using your email address and password.
  3. Select your desired location/service from the SELECT A SCHEDULE menu. 
  4. You can filter for specific consultants by name, consultants with specific specializations, and types of appointments (live online or face-to-face ) using the drop-down menus. 
  5. Need more help? Check out our Scheduling an Appointment Guide
  6. First time having a live-online appointment? Check out our Online Appointment Starter Guide