
More Information & Eligibility

The MARC U-STAR Award provides support for undergraduate students who are underrepresented in the biomedical and behavioral sciences in order to improve their preparation for high-caliber graduate training at the Ph.D. level. Trainees must be honors-level students majoring in the biomedical or behavioral sciences with an expressed interest in pursuing postgraduate education leading to the Ph.D., M.D.-Ph.D., or other combined professional degree-Ph.D. after graduation. The MARC U-STAR award provides support to students for a consecutive 24-month period at the final 2 years of undergraduate training. This typically includes a summer research experience at a research-intensive institution outside the home institution.

MARC U-STAR scholars receive an award that pays for sixty percent of their CU Denver tuition, an academic year stipend, a summer stipend, money to support travel to academic conferences, and room and board for out-of-state summer research experiences. Students are expected to participate for two academic years including summers.

The U-RISE program provides Freshmen and Sophmores with opportunities and scholarships to learn more about behavioral and biomedical research.

To be eligible for the MARC U-STAR scholarship, you must be:

  • A CU Denver student
  • A rising junior (with approximately 60 credits)
  • Eligible for honors in your major (this is typically based on your GPA)
  • Interested in a research career
  • Interested in earning a Ph.D. in the behavioral or biomedical sciences
  • A member of a group traditionally underrepresented in behavioral or biomedical sciences.

If you have questions about your eligibility, please contact Jeremiah Ramos!

Our full scholarship application is available on ScholarshipUniverse! 

Navigate directly to the ScholarshipUniverse webpage (or type into your browser) and search 'MARC' to view the application. 

Applications are due by March 17, 2023.  Please contact MARC U-STAR Program Coordinator Jeremiah Ramos, if you have any questions. We look forward to receipt of your application!