Dr. Charissa de Bekker Assistant Professor, University of Central Florida When: August 28, 2020 at Noon Where: Seminar will be presented via Zoom Title: Connecting phenomes with functional genomes in ants, manipulated by a fungal parasite Certain ant species have co-evolved with species-specific fungal parasites of the genus Ophiocordyceps ,...
The 2020 Fall Semester Seminars and Graduate Student Seminars will again be held via Zoom. Please keep checking this page and the News and Events page for further information including seminar speakers, presentations, times and Zoom links.
Who: Dr. Isabel R. Schlaepfer. Title: CPT1A: An old Actor in Metabolism Auditioning for New Cancer Roles. When: Friday, May 8, 2020 at Noon. Where: Seminars are being presented at noon via Zoom: https://ucdenver.zoom.us/j/434850347 , Meeting ID: 434 850 347. Dr. Isabel R. Schlaepfer University of Colorado School of Medicine...
Who: Dr. Matthew Kauffman. Title: " Ecology and Conservation of Ungulate Migrations in the American West" When: Friday, April 24, 2020 at Noon. Where: Seminars are being presented at noon via Zoom: https://ucdenver.zoom.us/j/434850347 , Meeting ID: 434 850 347. Matthew Kauffman U.S. Geological Survey Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research...
Who: Dr. Katherine Kelsey * Title: Ecological and biogeochemical responses to climate change, land management, and herbivory * When: Friday, April 10, 2020 at Noon * Where: Seminars are being presented at noon via Zoom: https://ucdenver.zoom.us/j/434850347 , Meeting ID: 434 850 347. * Dr. Katherine Kelsey Assistant Professor Geography &...
Who: Dr. Christina Alba * Title: " Quantifying plant diversity along an urban greenway: A unique approach combining botanical collections with ecological transects" * When: Friday, April 3, 2020 * Where: See Zoom access info below * "Quantifying plant diversity along an urban greenway: A unique approach combining botanical collections...
2020 Spring Seminar Series The 2020 Spring Seminar Series will continue after Spring Break, March 23 rd to March 29 th . All future seminars will be presented via ZOOM on their scheduled dates and times. Links for Zoom will be provided for each seminar. Our next seminar speaker will...
Who: Dr. Randi Corrine Lupardus Title: " Fruitful or futile: Legacy effects of oil and gas well pad reclamation ", When: Friday, March 20th, 2020, Where: Via ZOOM, At Noon Fruitful or futile: Legacy effects of oil and gas well pad reclamation Dr. Randi Corrine Lupardus Recent Joint Post-Doctoral Fellow...
Who: Dr. Jonathan (Josh) Sharp, Title: "Water and climate:bark beetles impact water quality and ecosystem function", When: Friday, March 13, 2020, Where: SI 2001, At Noon. Dr. Jonathan O. (Josh) Sharp Director, Hydrologic Science and Engineering Program Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering Colorado School of Mines Bark beetle induced...
Who: Dr. Ramji Bhandari * What: Epigenetic Inheritance of Environmental Exposure Effects * When: Friday, March 6th, 2020 * Where: SI 2001, att Noon * Ramji Bhandari, PhD Assistant Professor, Department of Biology University of North Carolina Greensboro https://biology.uncg.edu/bhandari-lab Gene environment interactions lead to emergence of a phenotype which can...