Dr. Andrew Bubak University of Colorado School of Medicine | Department of Neurology | Assistant Professor Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Anschutz Medical Campus - Neuroscience/Neurovirology Ph.D., University of Colorado School of Medicine, Anschutz Medical Campus - Neuroscience M.S., University of South Dakota - Neuroscience B.S., University...
The Department of Integrative Biology is proud to celebrate a lifetime honor for our chair, Dr. Diana Tomback, who has just been named as an AAAS Fellow for the class of 2023! The American Association for the Advancement of Science is one of the world’s largest general scientific societies and...
“ Climate change is already forcing lizards, insects and other species to evolve – and most can't keep up”, an article written by Dr. Michael Moore and Dr. James T. Stroud, (Georgia Institute of Technology), was published in the current edition of Yahoo News – “The Conversation addresses. The article...
Diana Tomback, former Integrative Biology graduate student Thomas McLaren, and Yellowstone National Park wildlife biologists, publish a chapter on Clark's nutcrackers and whitebark pine in Yellowstone’s Birds: Diversity and Abundance in the World’s First National Park , a 2023 Princeton University Press book. This book is the first to describe...
The Ricketts Conservation Foundation and American Forests in association with Yellowstone National Park hosted an event on September 28, 2023, at the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, Montana. The event publicized conservation work for whitebark pine and highlighted its seed disperser Clark’s nutcracker. This was the unveiling of a...
Congratulations Goran Shikak! Master's Degree Candidate Paula Cushing's Lab | Denver Museum of Nature and Science CU Denver Department of Integrative Biology Date: November 22 Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm Location: Denver Campus – North Classroom, Room 1604 An Investigation of Rehydration Techniques to Restore Dehydrated Museum Specimens and an Integrative...
Joseph Tucker Ph.D. Student Dr. Alan Vajda's Lab Department of Integrative Biology Date: Thursday, September 19th Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm Location: Science Building, Room 4127 Title: Determining Bioconcentration Factors and Physiological Effects on Pimephales promelas by use of a Complex Mixture of Poly- and Per- Fluoroalkyl Substances Historical use of...
Congratulations Gabrielle Brandt! Ph.D. Degree Candidate Dr. Chris Phiel's Lab CU Denver Department of Integrative Biolog y When: Thursday, July 11th, 2024, 10:00am Where: Science Building, Room 4127 Regulatory mechanisms underlying mESC pluripotency and m 6 A methylation dynamics: AMF and AMFR Pluripotent embryonic stem cells (ESCs) hold immense promise...
Congratulations Trevor Carter! Ph.D. Degree Candidate Dr. Brian Buma's Lab CU Denver Department of Integrative Biology When: Friday, April 19th, 2024, 12:00pm Where: Science Building, Room 2001 Carbon Dynamics in the Pacific Coastal Temperate Rainforest: An Ecosystem Science Approach Quantifying forest carbon stocks is crucial for policy decisions and the...
Congratulations Jasmine Vidrio! Master's Degree Candidate Dr. Greg Ragland's Lab Department of Integrative Biology When: Wednesday, April 17th, 2024, 12:00pm Where: Science Building, Room 4127 Ectothermic animals like insects play a crucial role in providing ecosystem services and make up a large portion of terrestrial biomass. Ectotherms are particularly sensitive...
Congratulations Margaret Garcia! Master's Degree Candidate Dr. Amanda Charlesworth's Lab CU Denver Department of Integrative Biology When: Monday, April 15th, 2024, 10:00am Where: Science Building, Room 4127 The Importance of Oct60 in GS17 Transcription and Embryogenesis Early embryos are transcriptionally silent, relying on maternal mRNA until the zygotic genome is...
Congratulations Fayelynn Scheideman! Master’s Degree Candidate CU Denver Department of Integrative Biology When: Wednesday, April 10th, 2024 2:00pm - 4:00pm Where: Science Building, Room 4127 As wildlife reintroductions are becoming increasingly commonplace in the conservation biology toolbox, it is necessary that conservation practitioners better understand the genetic consequences of reintroductions...
Congratulations Evan Webber! Master’s Degree Candidate Dr. Chris Phiel's Lab CU Denver Department of Integrative Biology Date: Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024, 10:00am - 12:00pm Where: Science Building, Room 1067 Tropomyosin Directs Myogenesis by Regulating Actin Dynamics Through the process of muscle development (myogenesis), muscle progenitor cells become mature muscles. Key...
Congratulations Michelle DePrenger-Levin! Ph.D. Degree Candidate CU Denver Department of Integrative Biology When: Friday, March 15th, 2024, 12:00pm Where: Science Building, Room 2001 Using demography to inform plant conservation: An examination of uses and pitfalls of conventional population models Demography is used to detect and predict population trends and assess...
Congratulations Jessica Romero for successfully defending your Master's Degree Thesis! Jessica Romero Master’s Degree Candidate Dr. Timberley Roane’s Lab CU Denver Department of Integrative Biology When: Friday, November 17, 2023 Where: Science Building, Rm 1111, at 9:00a " Using Metagenomic Sequencing to Elucidate the Bacterial Degradation of 1,4-Dioxane in Groundwater...
Congratulations to Jessica Romero for receiving the 2023 Fall CLAS Outstanding MS Student Award. The Department would like to recognize both of our nominees for the Fall 2023 CLAS Outstanding Graduate. Student Awards, Laurel Sindewald for PhD and Jessica Romero for MS. Both students have contributed positively to the research...
Congratulations to the 2023 Spring Integrative Biology Student Excellence Award recipients. The Department recognizes outstanding graduate and undergraduate students for their accomplishments in teaching or research. Teaching can include any formal teaching-related activities (e.g., teaching assistants, learning assistants, tutors, supplemental instructors, etc.). Research can include scholarly activities that make an...
The Department would like to announce the recipients of our 2022 Spring Student Excellence Awards. This year we had four awardees, two graduate students and one undergraduate student in the Research Award category, and one undergraduate student in the Teaching Award category. Students were allowed to submit self-nominations but also...
Don’t Miss the Next Installment of High-Elevation Five-Needle White Pines: Science and Management Webinar Series! Held the 3 rd Tuesday of each month from 12-1 PM MST. Learn more about this year's webinar series. On November 21st, Stephen Huysman will present: Projecting future whitebark pine susceptibility to white pine blister...