2020 Spring Office Hours & Syllabi
Call out to all IB Faculty for your 2020 Spring Office Hours and course syllabi. Please send these to Jacki by 4:00pm, Jan. 16th so she can update the website and office handouts.
Prerequisites in course syllabus
From Kim Regier
To all facuty, please be sure to list the specific prerequisite for your class in your syllabus. Missing prereqs can prevent a student from transferring the class to another institution. Like the official course description, the official prereq should also be listed.
CLAS 2020 Outstanding Graduate Student Call for Nominations
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is currently soliciting nominations for the Outstanding Graduate Students from the College. Departments may submit one individual to each of two categories: Masters (MA, MS, MHUM, MSS, MIS) and Ph.D.
Preliminary nomination packets including, bulleted list of accomplishments, CV, and unofficial transcripts are due to Chris Phiel by 5:00p on Jan. 23rd
The Awards, Scholarship and Outreach Committee will vote on student nominations on Feb. 7th. Departmental awardees will be notified on Feb 10th and complete nomination packets will be requested.
Packets must include the following items in electronic form. Paper applications will not be reviewed:
- A nominating letter from the department that clearly spells out why this student stands out above the norm (e.g., publications, grants, service to community or profession);
- A clear statement by the student detailing accomplishments and plans for the future;
- A current resume or curriculum vitae;
- A transcript;
- Additional supporting letters from faculty members (optional); and
- Where applicable, FCQs for teaching
Complete final nomination packets are due to Chris Phiel by 5:00p on Feb. 17th. Nominees must be eligible to graduate this 2019 fall semester
Additional supporting letters and other materials may be included. Please be aware that this award is competitive across the College, so it would be useful if you could provide information that would help the Dean’s Advisory Committee (DAC) compare students in one field with students in another. For example, if a student has a publication, you may want to include information regarding the quality of the journal; if the student has presented at a meeting or conference, you may want to explain the scope of that event (regional, national, or international).
Final nomination packets will be submitted electronically to Kathleen Bollard by 5 p.m. on Friday, February 21st.
Renew RTD Eco Passes
It's time to renew your current RTD Employee EcoPass to continue in the program. Please submit a new signed and dated RTD EcoPass Payment Authorization Form by email or in-person to the Parking & Transportation Services office located on the first floor of the 7th Street Garage (777 Lawrence Way) by Wednesday, January 22nd, 2020.
RTD Employee EcoPass Benefits:
Your RTD Employee EcoPass is not just for commuting to and from campus. It's valid for unlimited rides on all Local, Regional and Airport bus and rail services (including the Flatiron Flyer, SkyRide, and the University of Colorado A Line). Our high RTD Employee EcoPass participation rate allows us to offer this incredible employee benefit at the exceptionally affordable rate of $38 a month effective March 1, 2020. Your pre-tax RTD Employee EcoPass benefit adds up to big savings at a fraction of the cost of an average $200 monthly bus and rail pass. Avoid the hassle of daily traffic jams and do something positive for the environment while saving time and money. Don't miss out on this enrollment renewal opportunity!
Forms must be received no later than Wednesday, January 22nd
Questions: 303-556-2003
2019 Fall FCQ results released
Initial FCQ reports for all campuses were released the week of December 23 and are currently available.
Instructors can access their individual reports through the faculty portal: https://colorado.campuslabs.com/faculty