Teaching Assistant Job Opportunities

Teaching Assistant positions in the Health and Behavioral Sciences department support the Public Health Undergraduate program in 3-credit and 4-credit courses (including recitations). The department is generally supported by 8-10 TAs in the Fall and Spring semesters. Interested students enrolled in a Masters or PhD program in a relevant field at CU Denver | Anschutz are encouraged to contact Undergraduate Director Hyeyoung Nelson at hyeyoung.nelson@ucdenver.edu to inquire into TA opportunities.

Minimum Requirements:

  • TAs must be enrolled in class for the entire semester they are employed.
  • A current Masters or PhD student in a relevant field at CU Denver | Anschutz.
  • Applicants will be subject to a background check and proof of legal work status prior to hiring.

Enrollment Requirement:

Teaching Assistant appointments are reserved for students actively enrolled and participating in an approved graduate program.  Prior to assuming your job duties, you will be required to provide proof of enrollment in a graduate program to your employing department.  If your enrollment status changes, please notify your department and supervisor immediately.  Your enrollment status is subject to verification at any time.  If you are found to not be actively enrolled, your appointment could be subject to immediate termination.  Students must be making satisfactory academic progress towards their degree to be eligible for a TA position.

Maximum Student Employment Hours

Students may work a maximum of 25 hours per week (20 hours per week for international students) or 50 hours total per biweekly payroll period during the Fall and Spring semesters, provided that no single week in that period exceeds 40 hours.  Work hour limits apply to all positions held at CU combined.  You must disclose to your employing department any other employment you have with the University of Colorado.

  • A TA position for a 3-credit course is 9 hours/week
  • A TA position for a 4-credit course with a single recitation is 12.5 hours/week
  • A TA position for a 4-credit course with two recitations is 15 hours/week

Hiring Timeline:

Teaching Assistants are hired between April to June for the Fall semester and September to November for the Spring semester. TAs hired for the Fall semester may have the option to continue to TA in the Spring semester based upon position availability and scheduling. Students who wish to TA in both Fall and Spring semesters must remain continuously enrolled in both semesters.

Teaching Fellowships for Health and Behavioral Sciences PhD Students:

Beginning in third year, students actively enrolled in the Health and Behavioral Sciences PhD program are eligible to apply for Teaching Fellowships. These Fellowships provide additional tuition and scholarship support and faculty mentorship to HBSC PhD students who hold a TA or GPTI appointment in both Fall and Spring. Interested HBSC students should contact Undergraduate Director Hyeyoung Nelson at hyeyoung.nelson@ucdenver.edu for more information about the application.