Certain policies are standardized in the Composition Program and appear in each syllabus. They are as follows:
Attendance Policy
The Composition Program attendance policy dictates that a student may have three unexcused absences. After three absences, each day missed results in a one-third reduction of the final course grade (a B- becomes a C+, etc.). Being late to class three times (more than five minutes late) is equivalent to one absence. The definition of excused and unexcused absences can be found in the UC Denver attendance policy.
Late Penalty
The Composition Program late policy stipulates that instructors are not required to accept in-class assignments or daily homework that are late due to unexcused absences. For the major graded assignments listed on this syllabus, the late penalty for unexcused absences is one-half grade for each class period the assignment is late (so a B becomes a C+, etc.). All work must be submitted in class (students may not submit work via email unless approved by instructor). Note that instructors are not required to accept late final portfolios, as this can delay submitting grades on time.
Plagiarism Policy
For information on what constitutes plagiarism and how to handle it, the Composition Program relies on CLAS policies for handling academic dishonesty. To summarize, if an instructor has evidence suggesting a student is guilty of plagiarism, the instructor will discuss the incident with the student before issuing any penalties. Next, the instructor will report the incident to the Director of Composition. If the instructor charges the student, a formal letter will be delivered to the student, the Composition Director, the Chair of the English Department, and the Associate Dean of CLAS. The penalty for plagiarism in English 1020 or English 2030 is failure of the course, and any instance of plagiarism warrants a failing grade in the course. Instructors are strongly encouraged to discuss plagiarism with their classes, and students are encouraged to voice concerns if they are not clear as to what constitutes plagiarism.
Incomplete Policy
The Composition Program follows the CLAS Incomplete Policy.
Disability Inclusion Statement
If you have a disability, or think you may have a disability, I encourage you to contact me so we can work together to develop strategies for your success. The office of Disability Resources and Services (DRS) provides support for students with disabilities, and you can find them at their website or by calling (303) 556-3450/TTY or (303) 556-4766. To access their services, you will need to provide documentation of disability.